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    A question on the Games section get me thinking about magazines.
    I never read them, but this has not always been the case.

    I have considered about my magazine reading over the years and this is my conclusion!
    Magazines have served a purpose for me over the years.

    In my teens I read Cosmopolitan, probably wanting to appear cool and sophisticated! I often bought The Stage, which is more of a newspaper than a magazine.
    As a young mum I avidly read Parents' magazine from cover to cover every month. I wanted to be armed with all the up to date knowledge to be the best young mum there had ever been
    Then for several years I had She magazine on subscription. When a few times I realised I hadn't even opened the last months copy when the next arrived it was time to cancel my subscription.
    When we stayed with my MIL I would read her Woman's Weekly magazines, to stave off boredom

    After that I sometimes bought a weekly magazine, such as Woman, Woman's Own etc. This was always when I wanted to have lunch alone in cafe, to give me something to look at and pass the time.
    Now if I were alone or waiting for someone I would just pass the time on my phone. I even have my Kindle downloaded on there so can read my current book.
    So, I think for me mobile phones and the internet have replaced magazines I suppose!
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

    Gem, I've read different magazines at different times in my life. I can remember getting Woman or Woman's Own when I was a teenager (there were no teen mags in those days). I liked the fashion and make-up pages, and would have a giggle with friends over the agony aunt columns.

    I'd buy a magazine every so often, with no particular loyalty to any. I would buy gardening magazines when we first got the allotment, and photography mags when I started that. Then more recently a friend gave me a subscription to Good Housekeeping for several years. In the end I confessed I didn't read it very often. During lockdown I started getting People's Friend mainly for the short stories and the fact that you didn't have to keep turning pages to find the next bit of an article. I still get it sometimes - it's an easy read with a few puzzles to tackle.

    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

    (Marianne Williamson)


      I don't know about the price of magazines in the UK at the moment, but, the prices here are ridiculous.

      I often bought People's Friend Daisy whilst in the UK, handy for the short stories.


        Lizzie I think they are very expensive. Certainly children's ones are. Last time I bought one for GS2 I was shocked!
        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


          Even as a young Mother my go to Magazine was Peoples friend ,
          I only stopped buying it in the last few years I don't know why maybe because I use the internet more .

          I wont pay the price these days for any other magazine , most are full of adverts anyway .

          I sound a right mean grouch don't I
          Im not fat just 6ft too small


            I love my weekly magazines.
            I guy 4 every week. Take a break,Thats life,Chat and Love it.
            A few months ago i bought Woman or Womans Own, can't remember which.
            To be honest,i thought it was rubbish.
            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


              They are full of adverts Oma. I remember thinking that years ago when I had a regular magazine.
              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                Nanto - I love the Take a Break Mini Crossword booklets.
                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                (Marianne Williamson)


                  Oh this takes me back.
                  I used to have Jackie magazine which I would read from cover to cover and then I would pin some of the pictures of groups ( now called bands for goodness sake!) on my bedroom wall
                  Obviously the Beatles were a firm favourite but the Kinks and Smallfaces would also be up there as well
                  Later in life I would buy Woman or Woman's Own but now I am not prepared to pay the ridiculous price magazines are now but if you were to glance at my coffee table you would see it pilled with magazines ranging from Bella, Woman, OK magazine etc. In fact almost every magazine available but I don't pay for them . My neighbour gives them to me and she has been given them to her from her friend so by the time I get them they can be a few months old .
                  In fact I have just finished reading some Christmas editions.
                  After I have finished with them I use them for lining pedal bin, wrapping food waste, standing wet shoes on etc
                  Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                    Mimi, I used to read Jackie too!

                    A funny fact about magazines/comics is that DD1 loved the Bunty and we had it delivered each week. That's not the funny part. Both myself and her dad LOVED the Bunty and it was a race to see who could get their hands on DD's copy first
                    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                      Originally posted by Gemini View Post
                      Mimi, I used to read Jackie too!

                      A funny fact about magazines/comics is that DD1 loved the Bunty and we had it delivered each week. That's not the funny part. Both myself and her dad LOVED the Bunty and it was a race to see who could get their hands on DD's copy first
                      Gem I forgot that I used to have the Bunty . I loved it
                      Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                        Didn’t buy magazines apart from needlework ones. I now have a free Woman and Home, a gift from my bank, it is full of rubbish, I am going to change the gift from that to 6 free cinema tickets.
                        What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                          I think I missed out on some magazines - Bunty, Jackie, etc came a bit too late for me. We went straight from schoolgirls mags like Girls' Crystal to Woman/Woman's Own. I think there must have been some teen mags around, because most of the girls at school had pin-up pictures taped under their desk lids.
                          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                          (Marianne Williamson)

