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Aqua aerobics


    Aqua aerobics

    Aqua aerobics, Aquafit or plain Aqua classes, they are all the same thing.

    A fun exercise session in the water which most people of all abilities can take part in.

    I went to my first aquafit class when I was in my 40's, I went to one evening and one morning class a week in those days. I have regularly been to classes , at four different pools, since then. There were two gaps of several years when I didn't go at all. Once because I had moved away from my local pool and then because the 'new' pool I went to was knocked down to make way for a new leisure centre. Then there was covid and closures of course.

    I began attending regular weekly classes with two friends at the new leisure centre in January. Apart from 4 weeks when I was too ill to go, and holiday weeks, I have done at least one class a week all year. Some weeks I fit in a second one.

    I have always loved aquafit. I love the water anyway and I love how it makes me feel. It does me good generally and I am much more mobile afterwards. But how I feel in the water is so good as well. I can do movements which due to my age, weight and creaky knees I could never do on land. You can feel quite balletic and gracious at an exercise class in the water!

    The classes at our pool are so popular that you have to be on the ball to book for the following week. Many people are disappointed every week, and they have a waiting list for cancellations. Booking opens after 10 pm for the following week's classes. So,I can book this evening for next Wednesday morning as long as I remember. If you leave it until lunchtime tomorrow it will be fully booked! Fortunately I have always got a place, but sometimes I have got the last place, so in by the skin of my teeth

    I would recommend this form of exercise to anyone. One lady at my class walks with a stick, with difficulty. She leaves it by the side of the pool to get in and do the class. She must really appreciate the freedom of movement the water gives her.

    You don't even have to be able to swim to do aqua aerobics! It is done in shallow water. The best height is chest height, but you can go to waist height water if you prefer.
    Deep water aquafit exercises different muscles. I did try deep water aquafit a few years ago, but it wasn't for me. You wear a vest, a bit like the ones they have on aeroplanes! The exercise with that on and with my feet off the ground gave me back and neck ache, so I stuck with the normal aquafit after that!

    I you have never tried a class, and you fancy giving it a go, you should try it!

    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

    Gem, I love it, I can spring, jump and fly in the water, I can't do that when I am on dry ground, we have the deep water with a vest for the last lesson before each break, I have got to like it now, if I ask my friend what I was like the first few lessons she will say " I daren't tell you" ! The oldest in our group will be 85 years old soon and as fit as anyone 20 +years younger, he goes swimming first then comes in for the aqua.


      I think it is the best exercise, I used to do it with a vest for half the lesson, then the rest of the class without and a final relaxation. Wish these spots would go so I can get back.
      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


        Gem, it sounds wonderful and I love swimming and being in the water - I even enjoy having a shower!

        When we moved here the only similar classes were at private spas. The nearest public pool, about 10 miles away, didn't do them. But there is now a small facility much nearer so I really ought to give it a go.

        Thank you for explaining the difference between deep and shallow water aqua. I didn't realise there was a difference. D'oh. We used to do a lot of deep water exercises when I was doing lifesaving, but last time I went snorkeling the boat owners required everyone to wear a vest which I hated.
        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

        (Marianne Williamson)


          I'm not a lover of being in water.
          I've been in pools and the sea,but its not my cup of tea.
          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


            Nope wouldn’t get me in , I’m with you Nanto , I will go as far as ankle deep in the sea, never in a pool 😱
            Im not fat just 6ft too small


              I love swimming in the sea if it's warm enough. I would like to think I could do wild swimming in the sea in the winter, but I couldn't!
              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

              (Marianne Williamson)

