Took all 6 tries today , just couldn't get it , had 3 letters it was getting them in the right order and guessing the rest
I got 3 letters as well, Oma. Only one was in the right place and two goes were used up trying to keep two vowels together because I thought that was the most likely combination!!
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
I'm back to 5 goes, but I'm noticing a pattern - can't wait to do it, have 4 goes and the heart rates goes up, followed by a big sigh of relief when I get it in 5. How will I handle the disappointment when I don't even get it in 6. It's sure to happen sooner rather than later.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
Well I bombed today only 3 letters right and just couldn't get it .
I just couldn't picture where they went .
Of course when it showed it it was obvious but at the time not for me , so nil points
I got it in 3, but Gem's comment was a little clue and it took me ages trying to make words out of the two letters which I had!
I'm trying to get a bit of a system going, depending on how many letters are green or yellow on the first line. I've been trying to work with the ten most common letters in English to start with. If anyone's interested, they are
E, A, R, I, O T,N, S, L and C.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "