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Adult colouring to relax


    Adult colouring to relax

    I have brought some Adult Colouring books. Over the last few weeks I have made good progress with the way they are turning out. Still need a lot of work on blending and getting the background more smoother.
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    Lovely picture Nannycuddles.
    These adult colouring books are very popular now.
    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


      Originally posted by Nanto2girls View Post
      Lovely picture Nannycuddles.
      These adult colouring books are very popular now.
      I find it very relaxing, and give me something to challenge my mind.


        I love colouring books always have , a couple years ago i got one for Christmas , only a small one but it was fun .
        Im not fat just 6ft too small


          Beautifully coloured NC.

          I have a few of these colouring books. I enjoy them and find them relaxing.
          I love colouring with GS2 in his books as well, but just as I am getting going he will turn the page for us to do a different one!
          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


            I haven't tried the colouring books but I used to love colouring with the GC. Well done Nannycuddles
            What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


              Nannycuddles - those are lovely, and I think you're doing well with the blending. It's not easy!

              I've tried adult colouring books, but think I chose the wrong sort of pictures. They were complicated patterns that actually made me tense and impatient because I'd keep missing bits or didn't match similar bits up properly, but I think they're wonderful for people who enjoy them. Perhaps I should try again with different sorts of pictures.

              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

              (Marianne Williamson)


                I enjoy the adult colouring books too. It reminds me of my days working in the nursery. Children would open up and chat about all sorts of things while we sat together doing some colouring. A couple of years ago my young GS bought me an adult ‘star wars’ colouring book. He said it would help me learn the names of the various characters. Cheeky monkey! No really, he thought I would enjoy it. Bless him.
                Always face the sunshine and the shadows fall behind you.


                  Originally posted by Sunshine View Post
                  I enjoy the adult colouring books too. It reminds me of my days working in the nursery. Children would open up and chat about all sorts of things while we sat together doing some colouring. A couple of years ago my young GS bought me an adult ‘star wars’ colouring book. He said it would help me learn the names of the various characters. Cheeky monkey! No really, he thought I would enjoy it. Bless him.
                  Yes I agree with you about children opening up whilst you are colouring with them. I worked in preschool for 32 years and loved it, also if they asked you to draw something they would be really happy never mind what it turn out like.


                    A month ago I brought 3 of Johanna Basford’s books which these pictures have come out of. They was more expensive than I normally buy but the quality of the paper is a lot better. I’ve also gone mad on buying different sorts of colouring pencils.


                      DIL brought me a colouring book and pencils some time ago. Initially I used them but they were packed away when we moved and I haven't come across them yet .
                      I will find them eventually, along with my jigsaws, but that's another story, and put my feet up and use them again.
                      Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                        Find them in time for winter Mimi
                        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                          Nannycuddles - saying about children opening up while they're colouring reminded me that both my Grandsons have often said that one of their best memories of my own mother was the times she spent colouring with them, teaching them how to blend colours and just chatting.

                          I'm sure lots of children remember times like that, too.
                          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                          (Marianne Williamson)

