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Mind activities


    Mind activities

    Following on From Gem about Quizzes , what do you all do to keep your mind active ?

    Apart from im a avid reader I really love Puzzle books ,
    I can go through 1-2 a week , they are expensive ranging from £2.99 -£5.99 for special additions , but for the entertainment they give me they are worth it ,
    Love Crosswords etc ,

    And i do a couple of online games too ,
    I would love to do scrabble but my spelling is rubbish

    Im not fat just 6ft too small

    Oma - I love reading and always have done. I like trying to learn something new, but I tend to flit from one thing to another, but I am enjoying learning a bit about acrylic painting.

    I like the crossword puzzle books - very easy ones without too many sport, film, tv and celebrity clues. I usually get Take a Break mini crossword books or Puzzler ones. The Daily Mail books are good too, and last longer.

    I don't play any online games, but it sounds a good idea. I do our own GRU word games and like the latest one Gem has started where you change one letter and make a new word. (Thank you, Gem)

    Doing family history is interesting and I like searching around for information.

    I'd love to do Scrabble as well, but I have the same problem with spelling, Oma. We ought to start a scrabble game for non-spellers!

    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

    (Marianne Williamson)


      I read a lot too and always read in bed at night and when I wake (and into the early hours when I can't sleep!)

      I don't really do puzzle books, no idea why. OH always has a Sudoku book on the go and does them every day.
      I do a lot of online puzzles each day, in the morning if I have time.
      We watch a lot of TV quiz type programmes and try to answer! We do an online quiz with friends most weeks, started in the first lockdown. Every third time I set it.

      We play Scrabble together most days. We rarely did so prior to the first lockdown! OH isn't the best speller, I feel quite mean sometimes when I have to tell her that is NOT how you spell that word

      I have a lot of drawing and painting equipment , but it has laid neglected for weeks now.
      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


        I used to do a lot of code word puzzles. Used to do the Saturday Telegraph crossword with OH. I play Word Chums with Grauntie and Enfys. I used to play scrabble but they changed the layout and it was not as enjoyable. I had been playing against the same people for years but they disappeared. My OH loved Sudoku.
        What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


          I did do a lot of crafts that I miss very much , but now I have wobbly hands I cant do fine work or hold anything steady,
          Even my writing is bad now but it doesn't matter with puzzle books only myself sees it
          Im not fat just 6ft too small


            I love puzzle books too, always have a couple on the go. I play online games, as Plant said, also with DD and another friend but also against the computer. We loved watching all the quiz shows on tv and I’ve recently got into jigsaws after P bought a couple last year. Love scrabble, too.

            I’ve recently acquired DGDs ukelele and am trying to learn to play it via YouTube but end up watching other people play! Especially the Ukelele orchestra of Great Britain, would love to be able to play like that!! Not much chance. It’s now I really regret giving up playing the piano.
            "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


              I love quiz shows on the television too Enfys. I watch University Challenge and Only Connect and others. Haven't got a hope to answer a question but admire their intelligence.
              What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                I love to read my weekly magazines, if i'm not watching tv.
                Also do a lot of online competitions,but don't play online games.
                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                  Enfys - don't give up on your ukelele. I think as adults learning an instrument we underestimate how many hours you have to put in on the very basics, and it takes longer to build up muscle memory. I was starting to make progress on relearning the keyboard until the weather got very warm and I just wanted to be outside all the time. But I'm starting to practise again now, and I might not make much progress but it's lovely even to make simple/bad music.

                  "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                  (Marianne Williamson)

