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    Do you look after your feet, mine aren’t too bad but I don’t visit a chiropodist. I have hard skin that I try to slough off about 5 times a year , I know it should be more regular, I have a bunion on one foot that bothers me when I come to buy new shoes, and one brewing on the other foot, when I do file my feet I put cream on to soften the skin it works but I don’t keep up to it, how about you ?

    Yes I know it sounds extreme but I use my Scholl pedi about 4-5 times a week and then put a thick layer of cream on then my socks ,
    I prefer Neutrogena Foot care but Vaseline is just as good ,

    I don't have any corns or bunions and no hard skin , (yet) , I keep my nails very short to prevent ingrown nails .

    I take special care of my feet because of my Diabetes and its just a part of my morning routine now.

    I used to have hard skin years ago and in them days you only had Pumice stone to get rid of hard skin , couldn't do without my Scholl Pedi now .
    Never had a Pedicure or visited a Chiropodist , Brian does he started seeing a Chiropodist when he had a ingrown toe nail while he was having Chemo and now sees her every few month

    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      Never seen a chiropodist but when I went to the spa a few months ago I had a foot massage and it was sheer bliss.

      I use a foot file on any hard skin on my heels and rub foot cream in regularly. I don’t have any bunions , corns or anything like that but it doesn’t take much to make my feet feel ‘twitchy ‘ Along with restless legs I get restless feet and the only way to help relieve the symptoms is to soak my feet in warm water and then gently massage them or adopt the yoga position of lying on the floor with legs up against the wall . Mad I know !
      Bring me sunshine in your smile.


        I've never had a pedicure or seen a chiropodist.
        I use a foot cream about 3 times a week, to keep them smooth.
        Usually i buy Eucerin of Flexitol, but last time i went to Boots,they didn't have either.
        I bought Boots own version,and it works just as well.
        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


          I did once use peppermint foot cream . It was supposed to relieve tired aching feet .
          My feet felt as if they had been soaked in radioactive water, boy did they glow. And the smell. I’m sure people could smell me coming from miles away . The smell of peppermint was overwhelming, they must have thought there had been an explosion in a polo factory!
          Bring me sunshine in your smile.


            I don't mind looking at my own feet, but i hate seeing other people's feet.
            Babies feet and little kiddies feet i can cope with,but if the chiropodist comes to do mam or dads nails when i am there,i have to go into another room.
            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


              I like my feet
              They are a neat size five, and possibly due to properly fitted shoes as a child and my lifelong dislike of high heels they are a nice shape, with no unsightly bumps. I am happy to paint my nails and show them off in summer (unlike the rest of my body )

              I do however have some hard skin on the bottom of them, and keep promising myself a trip to a chiropodist or podiatrist. I do tackle it myself from time to time with a foot file and slather cream on.

              When I started my reflexology business, some people tried to book me to sort out corns and hard skin. Not my job at all!
              Obviously with the job I have I can't have an objection to other's feet! Most people I have come across in my work have had fairly well cared for feet fortunately.

              The cream I use for reflexology is Boots foot cream with mint, lavender and marshmallow. I have been using it for 14 years now, and it still smells divine to me (No Polo smell at all Mimi!)
              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                Mine aren’t bad and I never thought I would thank my mother for the Clarks brown lace-ups either! When I was working I wore Dr Scholls sandals. I love a foot massage too. OH has good feet, but like Oma, diabetic feet and so I look after them. I trim his nails and cream his feet regularly and they do get sore when he wears golf shoes.
                Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
                Eleanor Roosevelt.


                  Oh, I loved those Scholl wooden sandals, wore them for years!
                  I had a long phase of clog wearing too.
                  “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                    I have a grudging love for my feet. They tidy up the ends of my legs quite well, and mean I can walk, but beautiful they are not! I have always had dreadful toe nails. The two smallest on each foot grow split in half like cloven hooves!! They are a nightmare to cut as both toes curl under. I have occasionally been to a chiropodist and he said the shape was probably just a result of how I lay in the womb! I use foot cream every single day after my shower which keeps hard skin at bay and in the summer I paint my nails, although the polish doesn't stay on the mis-schapen ones for more than a day or so.

                    I always had well-fitting shoes as a child, but still have a bunion on my left foot because it's a bit bigger than the right, but it doesn't hurt so it doesn't bother me.

                    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                    (Marianne Williamson)


                      My feet are ok-ish, no corns or bunions etc. I did visit a chiropodist last year as I though I had an I growing toenail but it wasn’t. I just cut my nails quite short, rub in foot cream (when I remember) and use a foot file, again when I remember, then I just forget about them. As Daisy says, they’re useful and stop my legs from fraying at the ends 😁😁
                      "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


                        Gem, i couldn't do your job,if they paid me a £1,000 for each foot.
                        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                          I do suffer from hard skin on my feet but treat it with flexidol 3/4 times a week and go to bed with cotton sports on and it keeps things nice and smooth,when I broke my shoulder I couldn't manage to trim my toenails so went to a chiropodist and I used to feel as though I was walking on air I do think chiropody should come free but thats another topic I think.
                          Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


                            Some funny remarks on here made me chuckle, but think I will have to up my game as you all seem to take much more care than I do 😟 It is the shoes I’ve worn over the years always wore Scholls at work standing all day, but I did like my stilettos ruined all my mothers work


                              My feet are okay, no hard skin to speak of, just a bit on my heels if I don't cream them. No corns or bunions, my nails are getting a bit difficult to cut so might consider going to a chiropodist soon.
                              What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare

