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This is definitely body


    This is definitely body

    I've just been stung by a wasp in my middle toe and my wrist the little blighter, and its flipping agony only thing easing it is ice , looked on the internet and used all that I can to take the pain away, taken paracetamol and ibobrufen it's left me quite traumatised as I hate anything that flies and crawls and the thought of it on my body makes my skin crawl hope it's better real soon 😢

    Ooo you poor thing. I hate wasp stings as they are quite agonising. I hope the stings have settled by now. OH & GS2 both got stung the other wk. I looked down the side of the house & a whole load of wasps were behaving quite angrily going into the outside wall. The blighters must have built a nest in the cavity wall! Who'd believe it.

    Pest control coming Monday so that should be the end of them.Qwerty I don't know where GS2 has got it from but like you is afraid of spiders.
    "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

    (Doe Zantamata.)


      Is it bi-carb for wasp stings or is that bees. Hope the pain goes soon Qwerty
      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


        Ouch Qwerty, hope it's easing up a bit now.
        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


          Oh dear Qwerty,I hope the pain soon eases.To be stung once is bad enough but twice is adding insult to injury.


            I hope the stings have eased now Qwerty. Bad wasp!
            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


              Ouch that's why I swipe any I see , the dog was batting and trying to chew on the other day how he didn't get stung is beyond me it eventually crawled between the paving stones so he couldn't get it .
              You must have been in pain with two of them Qwerty , hope its eased xxx
              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                Oh I can feel your pain I hate the things some professor said we should be more concious about the flowers we plant as we need to incourage more wasps and bee's into our gardens
                he can go and get lost as far as I'm concerned I do hope the pain has eased you poor thing.
                Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


                  Morning all I have been up about an hour after going to sleep with the help of Amytriptelan at 4 this morning having had a good look today it's stung me twice on the toe pain has been swearing level, It was too traumatic last night to talk about it , but I had been laid on the couch watching television got up to move position and it must have been on the floor I never felt anything till I got the pain never thought about a wasp, we had been in the park with the kids thought i might have been bitten.
                  Went upstairs to get some bite cream and felt a nip on my wrist thought what's going on looked at the hem of my t shirt where I felt the nip and lo and behold it was hanging on the hem OH had gone to put petrol In the car talk about doing riverdance sheer panic I stripped naked as I couldn't t see where it had gone didn't want to step on it, so wrapped a towel round me , as I came downstairs I could see through the banister on the bathroom floor it was there was able to put my Jim jams on and wait for hubby to rescue me, it was dead by then. Used bicarc, lemon juice, ice, tiger balm, vinegar nothing eased the pain apart from ice but I couldn't go to bed with that you name it I tried it.
                  I know they say they eat unwanted bugs on the garden but I am sure this world would be better off without the b*****s , that will teach me to wear something on my feet 😱


                    Haven't seen many this year, but we haven't eaten outside much. I know they say they do good work but I still hate them.
                    What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                      Poor you qwerty. Unfortunate to say the least and I do hope you feel better soon. I was stung by a bee recently and I was so sad to see it die. Luckily bites and stings don't affect me much and it was bearable quite soon after.
                      I had a wasp nest on my allotment a few years ago and a neighbouring plotter stood on it. She was badly stung all over. I felt responsible as I try not to interfere with nature generally. They do eat the nasties and are an asset if left alone.
                      Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
                      Eleanor Roosevelt.


                        Aww, you are suffering with those stings Qwerty.
                        I can identify with your panic. Several years ago one flew down my top, which was a button up blouse. I was in the house alone, and I could hear myself screaming and trying to unfasten the buttons as it was buzzing away. Suffice to say it stung me on my chest
                        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                          Blighters arnt they lot better today a bit itchy that's all 👍🏻

