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My visit to heart consultant.


    My visit to heart consultant.

    I'm only adding to this as I was interested to know more from you Plant if that's ok. In case anyone who missed my previous post I came back from my appointment less than happy. The consultant's attitude was most strange. Didn't really listen to my concerns & questions.

    From out of the blue he said 'What is it you want? I can put you down for an AF Ablation today. Is that what you want me to do? Is that what you want?' getting quite shirty girty. Hard to tell what he said too in his Indian accent, so I asked him to write it down. I asked if I needed an operation as he'd not mentioned it before. Bearing in mind that I'd seen him only once. I didn't even know what it was.

    I also said the medication he'd prescribed wasn't suiting me. He said that he would change the beta blocker to a different drug if I'm still having an iregular heartbeat. But is that what I want, he says? By this time I was a little less patient. The conversation was going round & round in circles so I just said "What would you do?" Hence my meds have been changed & I have a follow up in 6mths.

    I also asked if it was the right time span to stop the anticoagulants before my hernia op' on Weds. He said abruptly it wasn't anything to do with him if the hospital have advised. Glad to get out but feeling very confused about this surreal appointment.
    "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

    (Doe Zantamata.)

    What a weird attitude that doctor had.I'm a bit lost for words Nana.
    When i first started having gyne problems, at one appointment, we saw a doctor, who spoke with a foreign accent and with his teeth clenched together.
    Couldn't tell one word that he said.
    At the end of the appointment when i went to the reception dask, i told her she musn't make me another appointment with him.
    Fortunately, iv'e never had to see him again.
    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


      Oh you poor souls, one does need to have confidence in ones doctor. I am very lucky that my new doctor is an absolute gem. and he has only been at our surgery for about six months but in that time he has dealt with my medical problems, all connected to my falls, my old doctor said "I am pleased to see you have a stick". My problem was that my heart would beat normally for days or weeks and then suddenly it would fibrullate for one or two days, like morse code and when it stopped I would nearly pass out, this started during my 30's. I was eventually put on amiodarone some years ago and it did control the fibrillation but when the heart specialist investigated why I was falling for no reason he took me off the amiodarone because it was affecting my thyroid. Does the beta blocker you are on control your fibrillation Nana,?

      I hope the change of meds works for you Nana
      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


        Nana you should ask to see someone else , you do have the right to change Dr you could always say you find his strong accent hard to understand ,
        I think if you have a unpleasant Dr it puts you on edge as soon as you see them , this is your health Nana you cant be putting up with off hand Drs like that .
        We have been lucky B's Dr's have all been superb , and apart from one Dr at our surgery who is hard to understand although a lovely man they are all nice too , we did have one who unless he could see a injury or you were at deaths door didn't believe you were ill and another one that never lifted his head would just automatically write a sick note out even if you went in with a sore finger , thankfully they both retired some years ago .
        Im not fat just 6ft too small


          It is strange how doctors differ. I think my problem was that I'd seen the eye consultant the day before & although he was brusk (spelling?) he was polite to a degree. Did one of my most hated things tho' & spoke to my OH in response to my questions. It didn't matter tho' as I had a good outcome.

          I have my hernia op' on Weds, which I've to be put out for & recovery can take up to 4-6wks. I feel a bit tired out with it all at present. Bit miffed too as I'm missing our meet up.

          Plant, he's taken me off the beta blockers & put me on something called Diltiazen MR.

          I'll take the advice given & ask to see a different consultant next visit. Thanks.x
          Last edited by Nana; 08-09-2017, 05:29 PM.
          "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

          (Doe Zantamata.)


            I would ask to see someone different, I would explain that due to his accent I am not confident that the sort of treatment I have been offered is what I expected. You are within your rights to seek a second opinion
            Bring me sunshine in your smile.


              Thanks Mimi.👍
              "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

              (Doe Zantamata.)


                There's a lot going off for you Nana you poor thing, I would deffo see someone else you have every right to, I would have come out of there crying you were good to hold it together really . Good luck with the op next week will be thinking of you sorry I can't give advice I know nothing of heart problems and these drugs keep your chin up 👍ðŸŧ


                  I agree with everyone else that asking to see someone else is a good idea Nana. Several years ago we asked for OH to see a different oncologist. Neither us gelled with the first one, and his comments often brought us down low. We love the present one (So much so that I requested him when I needed to see someone!) It has been so much better since we made that change.

                  Good luck for Wednesday and I agree, such a pity it means you won't get to Brum. Next time hopefully!
                  “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                    It amazes me how a Doctor/Specialist can be so dismissive certainly a case of seeing someone else in my book,I know its a totally different scenario but when I go to The Fracture Clinc (the dreaded shoulder/arm)every Doctor from top man down has been a gentleman and even though they are packed out with patients they always make you feel you are their only patient.I will be thinking of you on Wednesday xxx
                    Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


                      Nana very best wishes for your op on Wednesday.That will be one thing off your mind.Just remember to take it easy during the recovery.Do you have to stay in overnight? I know sometimes even if you have a general anaesthetic you can go home the same day.As regards the unsympathetic heart doctor I think his behaviour was very unprofessional. It's bad enough trying to understand some of these foreign doctors at the best of times but to be so dismissive is unacceptable.When you can't understand what they say it can be embarrassing to keep asking them to repeat themselves.I know because we've been there..


                        I've been taking time out this morning to catch up with GRU posts. I'm really sorry I didn't reply to some posts.

                        Re GP put me back on the original meds but doubled the dose. Still having irregular heart rhythms so it'll be good to see a different consultant. I did wonder whether I should tell GP in case I might need to see consultant (a different one) earlier than the 6mths.

                        Re hernia op.... if I've not already said, on another link, it went really well Clover. It's the healing process that's taking longer than I expected.

                        If I was a car I'd be classed as an old wreck by now. I like to think I'd be a classic car tho'.
                        "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

                        (Doe Zantamata.)


                          I'm sure there is plenty of life in you yet Nana
                          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                            I am sure you would pass your MOT Nana still plenty of life in that chassis ðŸĪŠ


                              Qwerty cheeky 🐒 Thanks Gem.
                              "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

                              (Doe Zantamata.)

