As you all know I had that dreadful fall onto my shoulder /arm joint in June '15 and have been suffering badly ever since now aprt from the on going treatment I have to go through in the future I am trying to source a Solicitor/Company who will accept my case on NWNF basis,I have tried 3 Companies over the months sending them all the photos etc of the area and the raised pavement area because the Council are saying the area measured is not more than 1inch in depth the ones I have spoken with have said they are not prepared to try and put the claim forward,but 2 of them said with the medical evidence and photo evidence I would probably win the case they will just not take the chance and I cannot afford the fee's if it failed do any of you ladies have any other ideas or names of Companies who may take this on I do feel that after all the pain and discomfort the Council should be admitting blame of some sort.
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Glamm - I don't know of anyone, but have you talked to someone like Age UK about it, your local MP or perhaps a young solicitor trying to build up expertise/clients who would be prepared to do some pro bono (free) work for you - at least assess your chances.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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I'm afraid I have no experience of these claims Glamma.
However several years ago before all these NWNF adverts appeared an ex-work colleague of DS1 fell over an uneven pavement and broke both ankles.She had professional photos taken of the offending pavement and tried to get compensation from the Council.Goodness me did she have a fight on her hands.Eventually she got a meagre sum but it caused my son's business to ultimate fail as she couldn't work and DS couldn't keep things going on his own. So absolutely get professional help if you can.
Things we're different in those days so I hope I haven't discouraged you. You certainly deserve some recompense.
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Daisy Thanks for that I shall have a look later to-day, I just wanted one last stab at it as I feel justified that the Council are to blame really,and the fact that the measurement of the defective pavement is pertruding 1" causing the fall should be no difference to it being 5" and I just didn't trip over my whole body weight
landed on my shoulder joint and even now I can feel the discomfort of the splinters that broke off,I have found a local Solicitor who does do NWNF and am going to make an appointment and see them face to face rather via phone maybe that will be a better way of making them understand the injuries better if no joy I shall then give up on the matter.Keep Calm,You're Fabulous
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