I've just arrived home from an appointment at my Drs Surgery with the news that I have been diaognosed with type 2 Diabetes,the blood reading came back at 52 which is 4 above the accepted reading so I have had a 30min consultation with the nurse who has informed me that she is registering me on the Diabetics register and will have to go every 6 mths for follow up care and control meetings.I have gained weight which I was aware of but can only put it down to the after effects of the accident when I broke my shoulder since then I have never been able to get back on track,even at work my collegues helped me with the day to day running of things and John has been a diamond doing everything which takes two hands himself so the weight has piled on.I have come home in a right state totally disgusted with myself and have now made the promise to loose at least 2st in the next 2 months before I go back to see the nurse.Once we move at the week-end at least I will be able to just open the front door to go out for a brisk walk rather than navigating all the stairs here in the flat.Oh how miserable I feel
