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New Health Problem (will it never end ?)


    New Health Problem (will it never end ?)

    I've just arrived home from an appointment at my Drs Surgery with the news that I have been diaognosed with type 2 Diabetes,the blood reading came back at 52 which is 4 above the accepted reading so I have had a 30min consultation with the nurse who has informed me that she is registering me on the Diabetics register and will have to go every 6 mths for follow up care and control meetings.I have gained weight which I was aware of but can only put it down to the after effects of the accident when I broke my shoulder since then I have never been able to get back on track,even at work my collegues helped me with the day to day running of things and John has been a diamond doing everything which takes two hands himself so the weight has piled on.I have come home in a right state totally disgusted with myself and have now made the promise to loose at least 2st in the next 2 months before I go back to see the nurse.Once we move at the week-end at least I will be able to just open the front door to go out for a brisk walk rather than navigating all the stairs here in the flat.Oh how miserable I feel
    Keep Calm,You're Fabulous

    Oh Glam don't beat yourself up , I have had diabetes for over 10 years and mine was diagnosed when I was much much slimmer than I am now in fact about 3 stone lighter , so it's not always down to weight , at the time I had lost a lot of weight for no particular reason and wasn't feeling good , let it sink in and then look at with a clear mind , big hugs xxx
    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      Don't feel so devastated Glam, they are keeping a close check, I have a friend who has been shocked like you, 2st is too much to loose in 2 months, take it easy and look forward to your move.
      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


        The sort of diagnosis that gives you a sharp shock. Trying to lose 2 stone so quickly won't do your overall health much good and will just add to your stress levels! You're not far over the limit so you can reverse the numbers fairly easily with a few adaptations. Lots of info and dietary advice available so sure you will be fine once you get yourself back on track.


          Aaaw Glam don't get too upset if you do decide to lose a couple of stone you may be able to come off the register, I am told all the time to make lifestyle changes but it's damned hard sending 💐


            Apologies ladies John said it was too much too loose in two months and made me ring and check,I must have misheard her because the nurse has said she said to try and loose that amount by the time of my half year revue which she has timed for my birthday in September so I won't forget the appointment so that sounds much more realistic,feeling a wee bit better now just got back from planting 3 hanging baskets for the outside/rear of the bungalow so lucky it is in the next Road only takes 2 mins to get there.
            Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


              Sorry to hear about your new health problem. Losing 2 stone in 6 months sounds better than losing it in 2 months.

              I know someone who is slim and has diabetes,so as Oma says, it isn't always down to weight.
              Take care X
              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                Sorry to hear your news Glamma. Just try and make gradual changes to your lifestyle and diet rather than rushing in to things. OH is type 2 and he's had very few problems (and he wasn't overweight when diagnosed) but just keeps taking the medication. Sending hugs!
                Believe you can and you're halfway there.
                Theodore Roosevelt.


                  My OH has type 2 Diabetes and he is and never has been overweight.He takes tablets and eats a healthy diet and has no problems. I'm sure you'll be fine once you're over the initial shock.x


                    Glamma, more and more people seem to be being diagnosed with this. Each year when I have my blood tests I expect to be!
                    One of my best friends was normal sized, maybe very slightly overweight, walked everwhere, had a healthy vegetarian healthy diet and was diagnosed a couple of years ago. By adhjusting her diet and only have sweet things as a treat she lost weight and her readings came down.
                    Please don't worry and certainly don't blame yourself xx
                    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                      I'm like you Gem. I expect it too but so far I've got away with it. I really really need to loose weight. Sorry to hear your news Glam, but all the replies must be encouraging for you.
                      "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

                      (Doe Zantamata.)


                        Glamm - I'm so sorry to hear about your health problems, but as everyone else has said losing 2 stone in 6 months is do-able, and I think you've hit the nail on the head - when you move into your bungalow you will be able to get out and about so much more easily - just open the door and walk, plus the summer is coming and just being more active out of doors will help. I also bet you will be sorting out your new home - again more activity. Don't blame yourself - your shoulder problems have had a big knock-on effect, but at least it's been diagnosed and can be treated.

                        Big hug. xxx
                        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                        (Marianne Williamson)


                          Glam so sorry to hear about the diabetes diagnosis, it certainly was a shock but don't stress yourself about losing too much weight too soon as you will only punish yourself if it doesn't all go to plan.I'm sure most of us ladies here of a certain age know that shedding weight is so much difficult as we get older. Take it slow and steady , you will get to your target eventually so be kind to yourself. To expect to much to soon will just leave you stressed
                          Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                            Glam, nil desperandum My half sister was diagnosed with Type 2 17 years ago. She lost weight and off it went. Ditto my friend in London. Both had a rather sweet tooth and just cut down on sugar and their bodies rebalanced.

                            They are not the only people I know of who have reversed the Type 2 condition and it only leads to Type 1 if you ignore the warnings and don't do something about it. UNLESS you have it in the family which does mean you have to be extra careful.

                            In 6 months you may well not have anything at all
                            Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go. T.S Eliot


                              My Grandmother , two aunts , my two sisters and myself have all had and have it and that's the ones we know of , funnily never heard of any of the men in the family with it, my grandmother was a very tall very thin woman in fact my mother said she was underweight, but in them days they didn't have the drugs and knowledge they have today did they
                              Im not fat just 6ft too small

