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Really rattled


    Really rattled

    I've just rung my Dr' s surgery to ask when the female Dr is in because I need an appointment of a 'personal' nature. I thought my luck was in when the receptionist offered me an appointment in the morning. Of course I can take it. The receptionist then asked the nature of the problem. I said it was personal (which I've done in the past) but she said the Dr in charge of the practice insists on a reason or the patient won't be seen. The reason ??? That the patient is seen by the right Dr.

    I tried different reasons...I need to see a female dr/ it's an embarrassing problem that I don't wish to share with a receptionist etc. She was insistent I told her the reason for my visit or she couldn't make my appointment. I've been putting my visit off for ages as I'm quite a shy person & it is personal. I almost backed out but in the end I had to say, otherwise I couldn't have an appointment.

    I'll speak about this when I see the Dr in the morning. What's happened to patient confidentiality? Does your surgery operate in this way?
    "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

    (Doe Zantamata.)

    We are fortunate to have a very understanding surgery who will try their utmost to fit you with the Doctor that you request,there is one particular Dr. who is very up to date with his knowledge of just about everything but I would myself be embarressed about consulting him on the more female problems that we sometimes have to endure but if I truely thought he was the best to consult I would have to swallow my pride I think,sometimes the receptionists don't realise how embarressing things can be to us older ladies and just forget any empathy they may have with the patient.
    Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


      Nana, that is disgraceful. I would speak to someone about it, either the Dr you see, or the practice manager. Saying it is of a personal nature should definitely be enough.
      We wouldn't have to say no, we can just say we prefer not to.
      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


        I did say I prefer not to Gem. She (receptionist) wouldn't budge. Glam, it wasn't the fact that I asked to see a female Dr, but that I wouldn't tell her the reason for my appointment.
        "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

        (Doe Zantamata.)


          Good heavens! That is appalling Nanna. How dare they embarrass you so. Lay it on thick when you do broach the subject. I bet the Dr who insists on this is male and not too approachable.
          Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
          Eleanor Roosevelt.


            That is so wrong on several levels , you have a right to privacy and if you say its a personal matter that should be enough , you do not have to explain any medical issue with a non professional .
            i think a complaint should be lodged with you Dr and the Practice Manager , This receptionist is over stepping her job hear
            Im not fat just 6ft too small


              So many times I have come across this when I used to request home visits for my oldies at work,so rude some of these receptionists.
              "What doesn't kill us,makes us stronger."


                Never come aross this yet at our surgery. Make a complaint Nana. Please keep us up to date.
                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                  Nana - this sounds very wrong. I don't like being questioned about the reason for an appointment even if it's something general like a chest infection, let alone a personal female reason. The receptionists aren't medically trained so what is the point in them knowing. the only thing I can think, is that the doctor like to go through her list before surgery and make sure she's prepared for all per patients.

                  "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                  (Marianne Williamson)


                    That's awful Nana. What happened to patient confidentiality? I suppose the receptionist would have got in trouble from the head doctor if she hadn't complied with his instructions but that's not the point. What you said should have sufficed. It's not right to be cross-examined by a non professional especially if you are worried about a medical problem. I'd ask to see the practice manager and stress how upset you were. You can't be the only one to go through this.How many people might have been put off actually seeing a doctor at all as you nearly were?


                      We have an on line booking system and you are invited to give the reason for your appointment but it is not mandatory. I rarely need a doctor but if I phone they do ask the reason, if I say I would rather not say they do point out that it might be better to explain so they can post me to the right doctor but they also say that it will not prevent me from seeing a GP. I am happy with my surgery for the most part.
                      If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


                        That is outrageous having to tell the Recetionist what you need an appt. for. We have online booking and automated phone bookings. If you need to see a doctor urgently you must ring before nine.
                        What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                          Nana, I understand now I got it back to front I was reading it wrong sorry about the mistake I must have been still half asleep.its not unusual for me .
                          Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


                            You should complain about this. If this is the 'rules' made by the GPS in your surgery then you need to question where does patient confidentiality sit within these 'rules' .After all if a patient had summoned up the courage to speak to their GP about something that is troubling them that they couldn't even speak to their OH/ family about they definitely do not want to speak to a receptionist about it. Have they had the many years of medical training GPS have had. ? Do they take the call in an office away from other members of staff and 'footfall patients ' that are stood within earshot of your conversation? I think not !!
                            Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                              Nana that is shocking, personal nature should be enough without explaining to a receptionist, god help it if it happens at my surgery, we have a male receptionist, just young I'm sure he would blush before I did/////

                              The whole "getting a doctor's appointment" has changed at our surgery, you have to ring 8.30 am on the day then a doctor rings you back to decide if you need seen or not, so you have to hang around waiting for the call, I do need to go see a doctor, but just seems just a farce to make an appointment these can a doctor decide if you need to be seen by telephone conversation, no the wonder doctors are over stretched these days, it all seems ridiculous...

                              Hope you do complain Nana, its not a good way to run a practice !!
                              How does a child spell Love..........T.I.M.E

