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    Got a bit of a shock in the post today , a letter from the Hospital informing us that when Brian was so poorly on the Sunday before he came home he actually had Ecoli Septicaemia, No one mentioned this when it was all going on and maybe that was for the best or we would have been in more than a panic than we already were , But we still should have been told , obviously that's why so many Dr's were in the room and so many drugs were being pumped into him , they were actually squeezing the Antibiotic bags to get it into him quickly, He was in the right place and with the best Dr,s but I still feel a bit angry they didn't tell us , When we go on Thursday I'm asking questions if they like it or not . Thank goodness he's made of stronger stuff 😕
    Im not fat just 6ft too small

    Oma - that's a dreadful shock. Did they know for sure then what the problem was - or was it something that came to light when the lab did tests? I don't know what the protocols are in situations like that, but I would have thought you should have been told, even if perhaps Brian was too poorly to take it in.

    Thank God he was there with all that medical expertise - I know from a doctor friend that even 5 minutes can make a difference.
    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

    (Marianne Williamson)


      Oh my goodness!!!!!
      Thank heavens he is OK and of course we know what a toughie he is.
      Even so, you are right to ask questions Oma.
      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


        No idea Daisy first we heard about it was the letter, We have just had a visit from his Nurse who looks after him at our other Hospital (she's almost family now ) telling her and she was shocked too , said the lab tests would have been rushed through and they would have known within a few hours but would have recognised the signs immediately, She said every minute counts and it was just as well he was in Hospital when it happened . That we are grateful for but still should have been told ,
        Gem we will be asking and wanting answers , can't fault the treatment or the care they gave him but we were kept in the dark .
        Im not fat just 6ft too small


          So wrong to find out by letter Oma, you should have been told in the hospital, I thought they had to tell you everything, such a shame to do this to you when you have been so pleased with the treatment and have so much trust in them, I'm sure you will have questions and I would ask them too, so pleased B was in the right place at the right time.....
          How does a child spell Love..........T.I.M.E


            Yes that must have been a terrible shock.Oma. Thank goodness that. Brian was in the right place for immediate treatment. I'm amazed he was home so soon afterwards.He's certainly made of strong stuff.


              I always say he's like a rubber ball bounces back , still a long road but he's plodding along 😊 long may that continue
              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                A big shock Oma. Thank goodness B was in the right place.
                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                  Could perhaps understand them not saying anything immediately but you should have been told much sooner and not by letter. They need to be made aware of the shock they gave you.


                    Shem I intend letting them know , trouble is it won't be the same Dr's probably but I hope they do make a note of it whoever we speak too
                    Im not fat just 6ft too small


                      OMG Oma, only just read this, what a terrible shock. Of course you should have been told. I'm so thankful he is home and OK. He is strong, so are you. Thinking of you both XXX
                      Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go. T.S Eliot


                        Oma !! Whatever next, hasn't B through enough, you are both in need of a much belated run of good luck. As you say it's a good job he was in hospital but to inform you in a letter.... that's dreadful x
                        Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                          I don't want to go into huge detail but when my mother was in hospital I went to see her (in Bath) and mentioned to the staff that the chair she was in was unsafe as it was plastic and she was sliding, she was confused due to diabetes and not taking medication as instructed, it was something she did regularly. A few days later she was going to be collected to go into a care home carefully selected by my sisters but when they went to pick her up she had had a fall. She had slid off the very chair I had expressed concerns over. She had to have her hip replaced.

                          Over the course of a couple of months things got worse and she ended up having the hip placement removed, which would have rendered her disabled if she had recovered, but in order to do this they had to ensure that she was the last patient in the theatre and the theatre had to be deep cleaned afterwards. I asked the doctor why and she said because my mother had an infection. Thinking that it had to be something quite serious and not having been there for two weeks as living in London I asked what infection would cause such a radical reaction in the operating theathre. Just an infection I was told. I asked, quite strongly, "does my mother have MRSA or something similar?" The doctor said that she really could not say. I said that if she could not say to me what my mothers infection was perhaps she could say to my solicitor. I didn't actually have a solicitor to be honest. She admitted that my mother had contracted MRSA in the hospital. We would not have known that unless I had forced it out of the hospital.

                          It it is no secret that I did not have a great relationship with my mum but her last couple of months were something you would not want to see. We would not have been told the truth if I had not been so strident. We wanted to take the hospital to court, not for money but to force them to be more honest with people. We were advised by the solicitor that the hospital would draw the proceedings out for years until we could no longer afford to continue and would probably bankrupt ourselves before they admitted anything.

                          Oma I am not saying this is anything like what you/B have had however it does show that there are some pretty unscrupulous people out there. I would be asking why they didn't tell you at the time. I would also make a complaint about the letter, I know you are grateful to the NHS and the staff for Brian's care but it is not right that you find important information out via a letter which, if you or he were different people, could have caused a lot of distress and problems.

                          Sermon over..........
                          If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


                            What a shock for you both, no wonder B was so poorly. You certainly need to know why you were informed by letter.
                            What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                              Thank you ladies , I assumed the policy was to be honest with patients now ,not like years ago when you were not expected to be told anything , the fact that he is doing well at the minute is irrelevant we should have been told as soon as they found out , wouldn't have made any difference but still that isn't the point is it xx
                              Im not fat just 6ft too small

