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Varicose veins


    Varicose veins

    Do you have them? Do they bother you? Have you had treatment for them?

    Mine are horrible, and just get worse as I get older. On one leg only. They don't seem to bother me. I am very conscious of them when I have to wear a swimsuit, most of them are around my knee or above. I have one on my shin, which I am aware of when I wear cutoffs, but the rest of the time they are not on show.

    I have never seen a doctor about them.
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

    So far I haven't thank goodness but my friends husband had then and had to have a op on both legs he wasn't very old at the time I remember and was in agony with them all the time , he was fine after
    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      I have some on both legs, not as bad as some I have seen though. They don't give me any problems, so I have never seen a doctor about them.
      My Grandma had them, and they were very bad, just like bunches of black grapes.They used to burst and bleed badly, and she had to go into hospital a couple of times.
      I can remember her going into hospital to have them tied.
      The following is the treatment she had,but to be honest it didn't make any difference. Ligation and stripping

      Most surgeons use a technique called ligation and stripping, which involves tying off the vein in the affected leg and then removing it.

      Two small incisions are made, approximately 5cm (2in) in diameter. The first cut is made near your groin at the top of the varicose vein. The second cut is made further down your leg, usually around your knee or ankle. The top of the vein (near your groin) is tied up and sealed.

      A thin, flexible wire is passed through the bottom of the vein and then carefully pulled out and removed through the lower cut in your leg.

      The blood flow in your legs will not be affected by the surgery. This is because the veins situated deep within your legs will take over the role of the damaged veins.

      Ligation and stripping can cause pain, bruising and bleeding. More serious complications are rare, but could include nerve damage or deep vein thrombosis, which is where a blood clot forms in one of the deep veins of the body.

      After the procedure, you may need up to three weeks to recover before returning to work, although this depends on your general health and the type of work you do. You may need to wear compression stockings for up to a week after surgery.
      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


        I don't have varicose veins but I have plenty of thread veins. Not painful like the varicose but they don't look any great shakes. I understand I can have them treated but I'll leave well alone Ithink.
        Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
        Eleanor Roosevelt.


          I have them on both legs so always wear trousers to cover them.They do ache sometimes and I'm supposed to wear support tights but I can't bear wearing tights (except woolly winter ones) so I'm afraid I don't.
          I've heard that unless there's a complication with the veins the op. is no longer available on the NHS.
          I was referred to the hospital years ago but as they weren't really a problem and I was busy with a young family I didn't follow through with treatment. If they had been suitable for injection treatment I probably would have agreed. I was also told that even after an op. the veins were quite likely to return.


            I do not so far have Varicose veins but I do have thread veins on my ankles.
            What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


              OH has some whoppers! Unfortunately both DDs seem to have some brewing. Could be a problem when they burst. Not unknown for people to rush into the surgery with a bin liner full of blood on their leg. You should lie down with the leg raised whilst applying pressure and calling for help. It does help if you are a contortionist!

