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Are you a mosquito magnet?!!


    Are you a mosquito magnet?!!

    Mosquitos, midges, biting ants, anything which can bite me does!
    I am still suffering from mosquito bites from our Spanish holiday (as are DD and GD). Last night at our family camping thing myself and 2 of my DDs suffered lots of nasty midge bites.
    I have tried Avon So Soft, which lots of people swear by, and the more conventional Jungle whatever its called stuff. Nothing seems to stop them. Oral antihistamines and Anthisan cream seem to help, slightly. Oma gave me a tip about toothpaste and I have to say it does work and helps a lot.
    I wish I knew how to make myself unpalatable to these creatures!

    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

    I attract biting insects, horse fly bites are my specialty, midges too if I sit out on a warm summer evening
    What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


      I don't seem to be troubled too much with insect bites, maybe I don't taste nice. Gem, what about some of your citrus type essential oils dabbed here and there?
      Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
      Eleanor Roosevelt.


        A few years ago, we were on holiday in Tunisia. I woke up very early one morning,itching like mad, due to Mosquitos. Hubby didn't have one bite, but my legs were covered in bites.
        I did once read an article, and it said Mosquitos go for females before males. Hate the little blighters.
        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


          Plant, there are horseflies on my OHs golf course. Many of the members are bothered by them. Luckily I don't play golf!
          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


            I hate that high pitched buzzing noise mosquitos make.
            What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


              They don't like me, but I eat a lot of marmite and have heard this could be a reason, also they don't like people who eat garlic (I eat that too lol). Citronella or Lemongrass are good 'natural' remedies, a few dabs on wrists and arms works well. Also burn a Citronella candle in your bedroom before you retire. When we're in Portugal and eating outside on the patio I usually burn a Citronella candle to keep insect away.
              Last edited by Avo; 15-08-2016, 09:32 AM. Reason: typo!!
              Grandmothers are just antique little girls - author unknown


                They love me too, unfortunately. I've tried everything but nothing seems to work. They always find the tiny minuscule bit of skin that I've missed! On holiday in Croatia 3 years ago,they were awful and I ended up with an infected bite and had to have antibiotics. It was so painful so now I am very wary about going anywhere they might be.

                "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


                  Oh I am Breakfast Lunch and Dinner for them , when we went to Turkey some years ago I stayed myself with Citronella all over I swear they attacked me even more , yes toothpaste is good takes the sting and itch away 😊
                  Im not fat just 6ft too small


                    My unresearched and unproven theory is that mossies and other biting insects will always go to the warmest people. Fortunately for me my OH has built-in central heating and the mossies tend to give me the cold shoulder - literally. I do occasionally get bitten when we're on a beach, but i think that might be sand flies.
                    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                    (Marianne Williamson)


                      I am also breakfast lunch and dinner. I swear the creatures over here wait until I am on the plane and then get on their mobiles to tell their cousins wherever I am going that a feast is on its way. I have tried Skin So Soft, doesn't work for me either. I get some stuff called "Off" and that sometimes helps but mostly I find whenwe are in the Caribbean that if you keep the air conditioning on at night as high as possible they don't bother you. I do find that a smear of old fashioned smelling germolene often keeps them off but it is getting harder and harder to find.

                      When we we went to Tobago last November I was ill on the flight out there. When we got there the mozzies were everywhere. I bought a curly mossie getter offer. In the end it made me worse because I was allergic to it! One day we went back to the room befo dinner and I put the towels on the bed and there was an absolute cloud of mosquitos. Husband went to reception and they brought a heavy duty spray thing but we had to stay out of the room for half an hour afterwards. We kept a can of it until we left. Problem was that the doors didn't fit that well and the blighters got underneath! I do have a zapper from Boots so if I get a bite I can zap it with a short sharp electric current and it stops the itch. Sometimes I look like I have measles.....
                      If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


                        I haven't been bitten for a while but can remember being in Canaries and had the most awful bite on my left elbow just on the bone which infected and swelled up to twice the size making it necessary for OH to call in the local medic for injections I think it cost about £75 for his visit and he injected in a most embarressing place it took about 3 days for the swelling to go down and left a really nasty mark for a long time,since then I have always taken antihisamines every day for 2 weeks before we go anywhere and it seems to work,
                        Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


                          So many of us are tasty to mozzies!!

                          Glamma, I think that is the secret, taking the antihistamines before you go. I read that advice somewhere recently. I wait until I get there. Next time I will begin a couple of weeks before!
                          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                            DD1 has to start taking her antihistamines a week before she goes to France every year , she is due to go Friday week so I better remind her , she gets a very bad reaction so she gets hers on prescription


                              I bought insect repellent thinking it would be needed when we stayed in a cabin by a lake but didn't get bitten at all. All changed in New York and I've come home with about 8 bites. I didn't realise the repellent needs to be reapplied throughout the day.

