Mosquitos, midges, biting ants, anything which can bite me does!
I am still suffering from mosquito bites from our Spanish holiday (as are DD and GD). Last night at our family camping thing myself and 2 of my DDs suffered lots of nasty midge bites.
I have tried Avon So Soft, which lots of people swear by, and the more conventional Jungle whatever its called stuff. Nothing seems to stop them. Oral antihistamines and Anthisan cream seem to help, slightly. Oma gave me a tip about toothpaste and I have to say it does work and helps a lot.
I wish I knew how to make myself unpalatable to these creatures!

I am still suffering from mosquito bites from our Spanish holiday (as are DD and GD). Last night at our family camping thing myself and 2 of my DDs suffered lots of nasty midge bites.
I have tried Avon So Soft, which lots of people swear by, and the more conventional Jungle whatever its called stuff. Nothing seems to stop them. Oral antihistamines and Anthisan cream seem to help, slightly. Oma gave me a tip about toothpaste and I have to say it does work and helps a lot.
I wish I knew how to make myself unpalatable to these creatures!
