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Saw my consultant


    Saw my consultant

    On April The 27th my Physio decided there was no more she could do with the progress of my hand recovery. So was asking my consultant to bring forward my appointment from 24th July. As she think my problems are becaused by the screw touching the Radial nerve, which is causing sharp painsin my wrist, index finger and thumb base. Just by doing everyday things with the hand.
    Mr Chapman said the fusion of the joints is looking good, and feel the screw needs to be removed as it could be that causing the pain. He is also going to get me an appoitment to have a nerve conduction test, to see if I have any trapped nerves within the area. He will contact me again after I have had the test to arrange operate to remove screw and also release the nerve if any are trapped.
    So back to waiting again for the appointments. I had the first operation on this hand 26 months ago and at the moment it is worse know than it was before that operation.

    You have my sympathy nan2 no wonder you have been in so much pain let's hope when the appointments come it can be sorted once and for all


      At least he is doing something now. I hope you don't have to wait too long for the appointment. Constant pain is so draining, I feel for you (hug)
      "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


        Goodness, that is a long time to be in pain nannycuddles . It does sound as though removing the screw is a good plan.
        I do hope the treatment works and you don't have to wait to long for an appointment.
        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


          No wonder it's still so painful. The very thought of a screw touching a nerve makes me wince. I do hpe you don't have to wait too long, NC. xx
          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

          (Marianne Williamson)


            NannyC how dreadful to have pain for this amount of time. Fingers crossed that you're on the way to getting it sorted now. ☺
            "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

            (Doe Zantamata.)


              Hope you get sorted quickly NannyC.
              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                I'm so sorry to hear you are still in such pain all this time after the original op.NC. I hope you don't have to wait too long for an appointment and soon get some relief.


                  Thank you everyone. I'm hoping its soner that later. It's got so even hold a fork to eat with is causing pain. Over the two weeks it have became worse. It was be nice to be able to hold little Emily properly instead of tucking her under my arm. Come to that she that used to me doing that she would most likely cry. Lol


                    Pleased to hear something is being done, that is a long time to be in such pain
                    What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                      I've been coping with nerve pain since 2001 and it really is awful. Hopefully they will find a way to help before too long. Might be worth trying the Actipatch free 7 day trial as it has helped me to some extent.


                        Originally posted by Shemadee View Post
                        I've been coping with nerve pain since 2001 and it really is awful. Hopefully they will find a way to help before too long. Might be worth trying the Actipatch free 7 day trial as it has helped me to some extent.
                        Thankyou might look into that.not sure if it would help in its down to the screw catching onto the nerve as they think could be happening. But the could also be carpol tunnel as the pain shout into my middle finger and the palm side of the wrist. There is getting more things that trigger it off.

