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Genetics and Weight Gain


    Genetics and Weight Gain

    I have always believed that genetics plays a big part in the size we are or let's say the trouble we have keeping our weight down. I have two sons that clearly take after different sides. They have similar appearance, hair colour, eye colour and lots of other things but their builds are totally different. DS2 has a great deal of difficulty keeping his weight in check and DS1 seems to have not problem at all and has never been overweight.
    So when I watched this programme on iPlayer I was not surprised to hear that genetics is very relevant to weight. It was really interesting and particular the part about the woman in America that had C diff and the cure they used and what it did to her. Worth a watch for those interested in this subject.

    Dr Giles Yeo uncovers why eating less is harder than it sounds for many obese people.
    Be careful when blindly following the Masses.
    Sometimes the 'M' is silent.

    I agree , my children are total opposites my DD takes after Brians side she's small and dark and wafer thin always has been , my D'S is not so dark looks like me and has to work hard to keep his weight down , myself and my sisters and brother take after my Dad's side short and stocky, the Scottish side comes out in us , Only difference with us is myself and my sisters are and was Diabetic my Brother has never had that trouble , my Grandmother and two of her sisters on my Mother's side were all Diabetic but very tall thin ladies , wish I had the height of there side 😊
    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      There are a pair of twins in the programme and one has the mutated 'fat gene' and the other doesn't. The difference is amazing.
      Be careful when blindly following the Masses.
      Sometimes the 'M' is silent.


        Both of my brothers are tall and wiry and both of my sisters have roughly the same build as me although both are skinnier than me as they are obsessed with diets and working out and I cannot be faffed with all of that. My father, bless him, was quite short, only five foot six where both my brothers are tall. My mum was also short. Unfortunately when I look in the mirror I can tell that I have well and truly inherited her genes as have my sisters.
        If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


          BL, this interesting topic is one I have a lot to say on - when I have time to reply properly!
          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


            I have always thought genetics play a part in weight problems. My DD takes after her father and grandma, whereas my DS has my genes, always a fight with weight problem
            What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


              This is such an interesting topic. Already with my 2 GSs you can see their genetic inheritance in their build. GS1 is leggy and slim, even though he's quite short for his age, and GS2 is taller but much stockier.
              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

              (Marianne Williamson)


                I will watch this programme BL, thanks for alerting us to it.
                I have struggled with my weight most of my adult life, and it gets harder and harder.
                Both my parents were slim, and my sister is miniscule. I guess I may take after my aunts. My dads sisters and one of my mum's sisters were short and round. Genetics from one side or the other, or maybe just me.
                All 3 daughters are slim, and one is tiny. My middle daughter works to keep slim though. I think she is the one genetically like me - but with a strong will. She has a 10 week old baby and looks amazing.
                I am interested to see what this programme shows.
                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                  Gem you will not be surprise when they say there is a gene mutation which causes weight gain and some family members have it and others don't (luck of the draw it seems). I will be very interested to hear your comments once you have seen it. I have a friend that had a gastric band which worked really well for her but after a few years it had to be removed as it started to cause her other problems. Since having it removed she has gained weight again so they do work but a bit drastic. The programme shows gastric band surgery which is enough to put most people off I would think but they are experimenting with other solutions making surgery unnecessary including weekly injections. Very, very interesting.
                  Be careful when blindly following the Masses.
                  Sometimes the 'M' is silent.


                    I have seen the programme BL. Very interesting, as you say.
                    I was interested in the fact that they had discovered that some overweight people have 2 receptors (I'm not sure that is the term they used) which make them more prone to weight gain than others.
                    Also very interesting was the fact that the weight of people with 2 'receptors' was more affected by exercise than the general population.
                    I have always felt that exercise tones you, is good for the cardio vascular and muscular skeletal systems, and improves your mood and can make you feel more positive about weight loss. I didn't really believe it was very important in actually losing weight. It seems it may be, for some at least.

                    The fact that I gained weight after I passed my driving test 12 years ago, and then again 5 years ago when I moved out of town so had to use the car on a daily basis rather than walking, maybe was telling me something!
                    I certainly feel I should get back to exercise, after seeing this.
                    The surgery scenes were very offputting! I would have to be morbidly obese, in danger of dying before I would consider anything like that.
                    The faeces thing was fascinating. It can't be that simple though, surely if it was, a quick infusion of something so readily available would set us all on the slim path?
                    Watch this space I suppose.
                    Thank you for mentioning this BL, I hadn't noticed this and may not have caught it on catch up if I hadn't read your thread.
                    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

