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Naff day


    Naff day

    Just letting you know the twins are really poorly they have thrush in the mouth lots of blisters and bloody, ear infection and in lots of pain got meds from doctor Amoxicillin among meds so hopefully it might kick in by tomorrow, but when I rang tonight they were screaming their heads off. Dil mum is there for a few dys as we r away to Birmingham with eldest g/c to Cadburys tomorrow she has looked forward to it for so long, but I go with a heavy heart my best friend who had a mastectomy back in Novemberish has lung cancer and it's not looking good, we are all devastated and there is no consoling her OH she is 40 !!!! She sees the oncologist tomorrow 😢
    Last edited by Qwerty; 01-06-2016, 08:07 PM.

    Oh Qwerty, no wonder you've got a heavy heart. You must be devastated to hear that your friend's cancer has spread. There's not much you can do except offer whatever support she and her poor OH need. Do you know if the lung cancer is operable/treatable? She's so young.

    IO can imagine you will be worrying about the twins while you are away. But as soon as the Amoxicillin kicks in I'm sure they'll start to feel better. What rotten timing, but DIL has her mum there to help and as you say, you and your GD1 have been looking forward to this trip for ages. Try to live in the moment and enjoy it - if you go home refreshed you will be better able to support your friend and help with the twins. Great big hug, my friend. xxx
    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

    (Marianne Williamson)


      Qwerty my heart aches for you, must be awful to watch your friend and her OH go through this, what a young age too, awful...

      Your poor twins hope the meds kick in soon , and as you said her mam is there, easy for me to say but enjoy your day with your GD, sounds great fun, funny enough my lot were just asking to go there, have to see if there is a family ticket and a trip bus...

      Sending hugs to you, sometimes it just all seems to come at once doesn't it.....xx
      How does a child spell Love..........T.I.M.E


        Thanks ladies much appreciated, Daisy she sees the oncologist tomorrow another day of waiting to hear results


          Sending love xx
          If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


            Qwerty that's so sad but not the end they can do so much these days , The twins are having a time of it poor lambs fingers crossed the meds kick in by tomorrow . Enjoy your day with IM you will feel better able to help xxxx
            Im not fat just 6ft too small


              My lovely best friend, I have mentioned before is now very poorly, there is nothing they can do. Prognosis is six months but they are going to try chemo to extend this. We were going on a trip to Chichester flower festival tomorrow which she is unable to go to but she rang me this evening to say have a lovely time, wear sensible shoes etc and I have to ring her when I get back. I love her to bits, she is being very brave
              What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                Oh Qwerty, I'm so sorry about your friend. Oma is right though, treatments improve each day. We cried and cried when we got the diagnosis that OHs cancer had spread. She's still here.
                Sending you love and your dear friend all the best.

                I hope the poor little twins feel much better once the antibiotics kick in xxx

                Plant I'm so sorry to hear about your best friend as well. Sad times xxx
                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                  Poor little babies. DD2 had this when we were on holiday in Portugal in 1982. Have they been given an anti fungal treatment for the thrush?

                  Sad news about your friend. I hope they can treat it successfully. Such a worry. Xx


                    Plant, sorry to hear about your friend.
                    Qwerty, sorry to hear about your friend as well.
                    Hope the twins are feeling better very soon.Bless em. Try to enjoy the trip with GD, she will love it.
                    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                      So sorry to hear the twins are poorly, ours were as well when they stayed over on Sunday, hate it when they are ill. What very sad news about your friend Qwerty,thinking of you.x


                        So much sadness. Sending sympathies to all those facing up to such hard events. It really puts one's own little troubles into perspective.

                        Qwerty I do hope the twins improve quickly, it's horrid to see little ones in pain.


                          Plant that is such sad news , I'm sending you hugs as I know you will be feeling it too xxx
                          Im not fat just 6ft too small


                            Oh Qwerty,I'm so sorry. Sending love and ((((Hugs))) xxxx


                              Qwerty, sending hugs and kind thoughts to you and your friend's family.

                              Hope the twins get better soon.

                              Enjoy your time away with elder GD........and don't eat TOO much chocolate!!
                              Believe you can and you're halfway there.
                              Theodore Roosevelt.

