At least I think it comes under H&S. My DD1 said this week that she has to cream up her DS1 before he goes to school & then put his sun cream in his bag. It's not the school's policy anymore to apply sun cream for the children. It's all down to how much the teachers are allowed to touch the children now & they could get sued if the child has a reaction to the cream they applied. Consequently DS1 has to put the sun cream on himself. She was dreading him coming back home in case he'd used the whole tube. 
DD2 said the Nursery asked for sun cream & hats to be sent with the children this week. What's the difference? Are all schools the same now? What's happened to educating the children about the dangers not being protected against the sun's rays? Why are they putting these children at risk of skin cancer? Makes my blood boil.

DD2 said the Nursery asked for sun cream & hats to be sent with the children this week. What's the difference? Are all schools the same now? What's happened to educating the children about the dangers not being protected against the sun's rays? Why are they putting these children at risk of skin cancer? Makes my blood boil.