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    My grandson, 3 and a half, has chickenpox. It is a nasty illness in adults, so best he has it now. I hope he is not too poorly with it though. I know it varies.
    I am supposed to be looking after him tomorrow for a while, then my 2 week old grandson the following day. I don't know if I wil be putting the baby at risk by doing this. Both daughters need my support. Bad timing.

    I feel this must be totally unconnected to my OHs shingles. Last time she saw GS the rash hadn't developed ( hence we didn't know it was shingles ) and in any case it is always covered by her sleeve. It is spread only via the blisters.
    I expect he picked it up at nursery. Poor little thing.
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

    Nasty illness chicken pox, it does make life difficult for you with the new baby. Hope he is better soon
    What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


      Aww. What rotten luck. I hope its not too irritating for him. Did you see on FB not to give children with chicken pox ibuprofen Gem? It somehow makes the spots go deeper. The pictures were awful. I'm sorry that I can't help on the issue of seeing the baby after as I don't know. I hope you enjoy your time with them.☺
      "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

      (Doe Zantamata.)


        Thanks Plant and Nana. Nana, I did see it and had forgotten, so have reminded DD. She is a very involved hands-on mum so I would expect her to know, but better safe than sorry!

        I'm not going to see GS tomorrow, not worth the risk with the new baby. I will drop off a few goodies for him this afternoon, on my way to collect GD from school. I will have to leave it on the doorstep then text DD, he would never let me get away if he saw me!
        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


          Poor little lad, Gem. I hope he doesn't get a severe dose. I think you're wise not to risk carrying the infection to GS2, even though I assume he gets protection via his mum at this early stage. I wouldn't want to risk it either. Perhaps you could Skype/Face time GS1 for a chat.
          Gem's GS1 -

          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

          (Marianne Williamson)


            Aaaww poor E I think you have made a good choice Gem best to keep out of the way, I shall be on alert now when the twins are at nursery J was a bit sleepy and clingy yesterday 😧


              Chicken pox is raging through nursery's up hear , I read somewhere it's coming back as bad as it was years ago , also Measles . When MY DS had it when he was a tot my SIL had just gave birth to my niece and we had to see baby through sitting room window as was advised not to go near baby , mind you that was over 30 years ago so things may have changed now . Oliver had them up his nose in his mouth in fact everywhere bless him , Josh wasn't as bad , hope E only gets it mildly Gem xxx
              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                There is chicken pox around here. Boys should be OK as they both had it a long while ago.

                Lots of useful info on here. It does say to keep away from newborns and what to do if a newborn is exposed to it (being in the same room for 15 minutes)

                My friend has just recovered from scarlet fever (she had chemo and radiotherapy 10 years ago, lost her OH 3 years ago, slipped and broke both arms and one knee, had the villain's car crash into hers on her drive during a police chase, and been helping with her great nephew who was born without kidneys- who has survived long enough to go on the transplant list) so fair to say her immune system is really compromised! She thought the dr said that chicken pox was connected but nothing on the NHS website to suggest this s far as I could tell.

                Mine had chicken pox then whooping cough all in the same summer. Spent afternoons In a bath with bicarbonate soda then smothered in calamine! That was not much fun for any of us!


                  Useful Shem

                  E is the 30th child at his nursery to get it, so no surprise really. Sadly he and his parents visited DD2 and baby on Saturday, before the spots were out. Hopefully baby will be Ok, as they have a very big open plan room, and I think E was off with his cousin in the playroom most of the time. She may not be so lucky though

                  I have a bag of things for him, and DD has something for me to take to DD2, which she will leave on the doorstep, and I will exchange it for GS's present. We feel like drug runners!
                  “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                    Sometimes chikcken pox can make them feel really poorly, hope your GS isn't one of them.

                    Not heard of any outbreaks round here, probably will now.
                    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                      Aww Gem rotten luck poor E, it is raging at the minute, not nice at all, when E had it she ended up in hospital with it, how would you think Chicken Pox could do this, hope E isnt too poorly with it, and you right I would keep it as far away from new baby as you can xx
                      How does a child spell Love..........T.I.M.E


                        The NHS thread does suggest a treatment for newborns (and other vulnerable people) who may have been infected. Might be worth a phone call to her surgery perhaps?


                          Gem this is what DD1 did to relieve the itching....

                          "I just put some oats in a pop sock and popped it in the bath. As the oats soaked up the water, I squeezed the liquid out onto E. It's 14-21 days incubation period."

                          It really helped him. Hope this helps. ☺
                          Last edited by Nana; 20-04-2016, 07:49 PM.
                          "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

                          (Doe Zantamata.)


                            He has spots all over his face, neck and chest, poor little soul. He loved the little bag of surprises I dropped in for him apparently.
                            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                              Nana, I saw one of DDs Facebook friends had suggested the oats in the bath thing too.
                              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

