I have started this thread, as we have had a lot to say about this topic on other threads, so it deserves its own!
I have had 3 babies, in 1976, 78, and 88.
I saw a big difference in the 10 years between DDs 2 and 3.
In the first 2 pregnancies you gave birth on your back, on the delivery bed. Shaving and enemas were compulsory. No one asked you if you wanted them, it was just done.
You fed your babies 4 hourly, and they were taken to a nursery at night. Fathers were allowed to be present at the birth, but I think it was still a fairly new thing, and remarked upon!
9 years and 10 months later when having DD3 a lot had changed.
You were encouraged to move about during labour, and positions other than lying down were considered. No shaving unless it was a C section, enemas optional (I opted for it. Nothing to it, and far preferable to the alternative whilst giving birth
Babies were by our bedside 24 hours a day, and we fed them on demand.
I stayed in hospital for 9 days with my first baby, and 48 hours with the next 2. When I came home after 48 hours I rested, and did very little, letting mum and husband help, and certainly didn't go out before the midwife discharged me and baby at 10 days.
Now many mothers and babies don't even go onto the wards, but are discharged from the delivery unit a few hours after birth. Midwives make daily home visits, but I was shocked to learn that my daughter had to take her 3 day old baby to the hospital clinic for the 3 day check and weighing. This is not restful! The day before however, she, husband, my GD and baby had gone to John Lewis café! Admittedly in the car with SIL driving, but I still don't consider it resting, for such early days.
Different times.
I have had 3 babies, in 1976, 78, and 88.
I saw a big difference in the 10 years between DDs 2 and 3.
In the first 2 pregnancies you gave birth on your back, on the delivery bed. Shaving and enemas were compulsory. No one asked you if you wanted them, it was just done.
You fed your babies 4 hourly, and they were taken to a nursery at night. Fathers were allowed to be present at the birth, but I think it was still a fairly new thing, and remarked upon!
9 years and 10 months later when having DD3 a lot had changed.
You were encouraged to move about during labour, and positions other than lying down were considered. No shaving unless it was a C section, enemas optional (I opted for it. Nothing to it, and far preferable to the alternative whilst giving birth

Babies were by our bedside 24 hours a day, and we fed them on demand.
I stayed in hospital for 9 days with my first baby, and 48 hours with the next 2. When I came home after 48 hours I rested, and did very little, letting mum and husband help, and certainly didn't go out before the midwife discharged me and baby at 10 days.
Now many mothers and babies don't even go onto the wards, but are discharged from the delivery unit a few hours after birth. Midwives make daily home visits, but I was shocked to learn that my daughter had to take her 3 day old baby to the hospital clinic for the 3 day check and weighing. This is not restful! The day before however, she, husband, my GD and baby had gone to John Lewis café! Admittedly in the car with SIL driving, but I still don't consider it resting, for such early days.
Different times.