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    I don’t know if I told you all at the time but 6 month ago a friend slipped off the 3rd rung of a ladder ,
    Not far but it broke her Fibia & Tibia , also all the bones in her foot , her leg went one way her foot the other.

    After many operations they managed to save her foot , they were unsure at first it could be saved.
    Today she had the fixation cage removed and fitted with a Moon boot .

    Still unable to walk but having physiotherapist going in every day and hope to get her on her feet soon ,

    They have told her she will always have a limp and have to use. Stick ,
    But considering what could have happened it’s a small price to pay to keep your foot.

    It was only a little set of ladders to get to her top kitchen cupboards .
    Her DS has fitted extra floor cupboards in her kitchen and taken the wall cupboards down .

    scary how easy and how you don’t have to be very high for such injuries to occur .
    Im not fat just 6ft too small

    Oma, that sounds like the damage my nephews son had on his first day at uni! Gem knows the story! The poor boy went from playing rugby for England (youth team) to being an invalid. He had just returned home from playing in South Africa when it happened. He still has so much pain as well.

    A friends friend, I have maybe mentioned this, she stood on a piano stool to get a book, the stool tipped over, she landed on a leg, it went straight through her, she was in IC a few weeks but they didn't manage to save her, poor woman.

    I hope your friend manages to get walking, even if it is with a stick.


      Just goes to show how easily these accidents can happen.

      Oma, hope your friend can walk soon.

      Lizzie, how awful for your nephew and your friends freind.
      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


        Oma, what a scary horrible thing to happen. Thank goodness it wasn't as bad as it could have been, but still awful and permanent damage.

        Lizzie, what dreadful accidents both to your nephew's son, and to the friend. You can't even imagine such a thing could happen.

        It's all too easy to think you can't come to much harm in your own home, but it's not the case.
        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

        (Marianne Williamson)


          These freak accidents are horrible to think about ,
          As you say Daisy to easy to think it will never happen to me .

          poor boy he must have been devastated having to give up his sport,
          What a tragic accident to happen to that lady .
          Last edited by Oma; 20-03-2024, 10:02 PM.
          Im not fat just 6ft too small


            Oma, the poor boy has missed so much since the accident, he and his partner are expecting a baby in June, the poor girl had 2 miscarriages so hopefully this goes well.


              So many accidents are like these. Easy to do and easy to avoid had we a rewind button.

              Lizzie, yes your poor nephew's story will always stay with me. I think my DD3 was at uni (a different one) at the same time as your nephew. I hope all goes well with this pregnancy.
              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

