Let's face it, we're all getting older. Mimi commented that what was once a simple job of changing a fluorescent light was too much for both her and her OH, for different reasons, and she sensibly asked her DS to do it for them.
What jobs do you find harder as the years roll by? What do you ask for help with?
I find the most tiresome thing is not having as much strength in my hands, especially my thumbs. Opening jars, anything that needs a firm grip to turn it, lifting even light-weight things with one hand etc all cause me problems. A good example is the teapot! I used to be able to lift it and pour the tea out with one hand, but now I have to support the weight of it with the other, and because it's hot I have to use a tea towel to hold it with! Carrying things up and down stairs is another problem, even light but bulky items like a washing basket.
I'm lucky my knees give me very little trouble, but kneeling down makes one of them hurt if I kneel on a hard surface.
My current hearing aids are very good, but without them I'm constantly asking people to repeat what they said. And, of course, I sometimes forget to put them in in a morning and wonder why everyone's whispering!
What jobs do you find harder as the years roll by? What do you ask for help with?
I find the most tiresome thing is not having as much strength in my hands, especially my thumbs. Opening jars, anything that needs a firm grip to turn it, lifting even light-weight things with one hand etc all cause me problems. A good example is the teapot! I used to be able to lift it and pour the tea out with one hand, but now I have to support the weight of it with the other, and because it's hot I have to use a tea towel to hold it with! Carrying things up and down stairs is another problem, even light but bulky items like a washing basket.
I'm lucky my knees give me very little trouble, but kneeling down makes one of them hurt if I kneel on a hard surface.
My current hearing aids are very good, but without them I'm constantly asking people to repeat what they said. And, of course, I sometimes forget to put them in in a morning and wonder why everyone's whispering!
