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Is everybody poorly atm?


    Is everybody poorly atm?

    I’ve been very poorly (badly, we used to say when I was a child) with a nasty respiratory infection. It’s not as bad as the flu and pneumonia I had in 2018, but nasty all the same. And it’s not covid. I’ve been super careful, wearing a mask on public transport and in shops so no idea where I caught it.

    And it’s been a shock as since the beginning of lockdown I’ve been infection free.

    However, almost everyone I know seems to have been laid low with some sort of respiratory illness.

    I reckon everyone is getting careless about infection control, masks are vanishingly rare these days but hospitals are overflowing and the NHS is going under.
    What’s it like in the rest of the country, or is London especially bad?

    Very rare we see anyone wearing a mask in our region.
    Maybe its the time of year, i don't know.
    We use the term badly for poorly.

    Hope you feel better soon.
    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


      B has been Poorly with a cold and chesty cough , he has had to take his inhaler more than usual , very tired and unwell . it’s only a few weeks since he got over one cold .
      My sister has had cold 3 times in as many months and she has not left the house since the lockdown she’s has acrophobia now , so don’t know how she is getting them
      B has taken several COVID tests he has get so ill
      Everyone you talk too either has it or has had it ,

      We still see several people wearing asks but not as many as there was .
      Im not fat just 6ft too small


        Sum1, I agree there are so many people down with bugs and viruses and nasty ones. It's not only London.
        What I had recently was only cold I'm sure but it was horrible and I know many others have have had worse.

        Our friend who is a sonographer at the hospital here and worked throughout the worst of the pandemic directly with covid patients remained free until a couple of weeks ago then got covid.
        I hope you are feeling better Sum1.

        My grandmother used that term 'Badly' for ill!

        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


          Sum1, I'm sorry to hear you have been so badly (yes, we used the term as well!). I think we have all got reduced resistance to the various bugs and viruses that circulate in the winter. So many of us have been isolated through lockdowns, and other restrictions, that we have reduced resistance to mild bugs we would normally shake off.

          I bet we all remember our children when they were toddlers getting cold after cold in the winter, and gradually as they got older they were more able to fight off the nasty bugs. I think something similar is happening in the adult population. Let's hope next winter will be better.

          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

          (Marianne Williamson)


            Sum, they say colds and flu are very bad here, but, isn't that the same every winter? Hardly anyone wears masks here now, luckily, free!


              Not just me then. I’m certainly feeling very sorry for my self - coughing like an old walrus. Oma, poor B. He certainly doesn’t need any more health problems.
              Lizzue, yes, the winter is always the worst for infections.
              But wouldn’t you think after a pandemic that masking, ventilation and good hygiene would be at the top of the government and everyone’s agenda. How easily people forget.


                We still wipe trolly handles down and as soon as we get in the car use hand sanitiser, then wash hands when we get in the house ,

                I must admit we don’t always wear a mask now but have this past couple of weeks with B coughing so much ,
                It does feel strange now though .
                Im not fat just 6ft too small


                  Sum1 I do notice people wearing masks but rarely. You still have to wear a mask here at the Drs and NHS facilities such as blood taking. The bus with no masks still feels unsafe to me.

                  I carry masks with me but only wear one for places as mentioned above.
                  We do have hand sanitiser in the cars and wash our hands as soon as we get in.
                  “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                    Eldest DS was very unwell with the horrible bug just before Christmas.
                    Although tye cough has mostly gone he does still have the odd coughing fit.He has only just got back his taste buds .
                    I have to admit I have been avoiding places where large crowds may gather .
                    Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                      Sum1, I hope each day sees you feeling a little better. I can't quite picture you sounding like an old walrus but coughs like that leave you feeling exhausted. How is your appetite? I hope you're treating yourself to goodies you love. xx

                      Mimi, I hope your DS gets rid of the remnants of his cough soon. We have tried to avoid crowded places, too. With this weather it's not a hardship to spend more time at home, although I do go out into the Forest with the dog.

                      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                      (Marianne Williamson)


                        Daisy you are very wise not mixing too much. I think I was very silly going to a crowded J Lewis.
                        What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                          Plant, it wasn't silly, but if that is where you think you got the virus from, you were just unlucky. xx
                          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                          (Marianne Williamson)

