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GP Services


    GP Services

    I know many of us have been frustrated by the unavailability of GP appointments, even telephone appointment often entail a long wait.

    I was shocked and worried by what a friend told me at the week-end.

    This friend had quite a serious melanoma removed a few years ago and the dermatologist at the hospital impressed on her that if she has any concerns she must let him know. Fast forward to last week when she discovered a small lump on her back. She rang the hospital but was told that since the Dermatologist hadn't seen her for over a year she needed to be referred by her doctor - urgently.

    So she rang the surgery and after two days of constant ringing finally got through sky to be told she was ringing at the wrong time and would need to call back at 8 am the following day. She did this, and eventually was offered a telephone appointment with a GP, which took place later the morning. He said without hesitation, that he needed to see her (!) that day and made an appointment at the 'other' surgery, not in our village.

    She arrived to find the GP wearing full protective gown, mask etc, so immediately asked if he wanted her to wear a mask as well. His reply was no, it was to protect him because he was the only doctor there and if he got ill there would be no GPs available. She asked about a particular GP she has seen previously and was told she wouldn't be back!

    No wonder it's so hard to get an appointment, but how worrying for patients who do need to see a doctor. :
    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

    (Marianne Williamson)

    Daisy, it is very worrying, I don't know when the surgeries in the UK will be running smoothly again, I heard it from my brother whilst I was there, luckily we can always get to see the GP if needed.


      It’s becoming scary Daisy
      Wont be long before we have to pay and go private ire on to get good health care 😡
      Im not fat just 6ft too small


        I phoned my surgery yesterday as I'd had a message about flu clinics and thought I'd get booked in. It took half an hour to get through, but during that time I was updated about my place in the queue. I just put the phone on speaker and carried on doing bits and pieces. There were no appointments left needless to say. I asked about gaining access on line because it said I needed a registration letter from GP to fully access the system. She checked and I just need to take in some form of ID to get registered. I'll do that later today if it doesn't start raining. Vey black here!

        Access to a GP is a disgrace in this country. My previous surgery often posts on their FB page asking people not to call them as they only have one GP on duty and all the appointments have gone. Is it any wonder that so many people have to go to A&E even when it's not an emergency?

        I hope your friend gets seen very soon Daisy.
        Believe you can and you're halfway there.
        Theodore Roosevelt.


          WG, I have booked my flu jab at the local pharmacy. Our Practice has just joined forces with another practice and has just built a medical center where we are eventually be able to have tests and treatment to save going to the hospital. It has only just opened so we shall see. Our village practice is going to stay the same. My DD and Sil’s practice up to now has been accessible but the two senior doctors are retiring and so far they have no replacements.
          What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


            Plant - I think the problem of older GPs retiring is happening all over the country. Our practice used to have about 5 partners, now there are two, plus one new one just joining.
            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

            (Marianne Williamson)


              We have been fortunate and not needed to see a GP.
              I can understand how frustrating it must be,trying to get and appointment.
              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.

