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GP Services


    Gem, I think it is disgusting! We have covid here and can always get in at the doctors, I phoned on Tuesday morning and 40 minutes later the doctor phoned me and explained what the treatment was.

    My brother, as I was saying, can be short tempered, he phoned their GP for an appointment for his wife, he had to wait so long then was cut off so he got in the car and they drove to the surgery, they told them they needed an appointment, he asked how can you get an appointment when you get cut off? They told him to go home and try again, he said he was there and they were staying there until they saw the GP, they did get to see him as well. There must be so many people dying because they can't get to see their GP on time.


      Lizzie, I know here some GP practices are doing better than others. But I hear stories like mine every day.
      You are right, people will be dying, and getting to see someone too late for treatment in many cases.
      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


        DS1 has just phoned, he fell whilst getting the boat out of the water last week, he thought his shoulder was out of the socket, went to our GP and she "helped" him, but, he had to go to the hospital for X-rays this week and he has a broken shoulder socket!


          Oh poor man Lizzie!!

          I have now registered online with the GP practice in the village. I was still with the one I had had all my life (apart from a couple of years when I lived away) which is in York.
          It's 4 miles way, no free parking, and I am now so disillusioned with them it is the time to leave.

          We shall see how this one goes.
          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


            That is maybe a good choice Gem, I hope they pay you more attention!xxx


              We had a message from our doctors saying they have the results of the survey they carried out and what the patients concerns were so they are working a new normal service. We still have to go on-line to state why we need to see a doctor, then the doctor or the receptionist phones with an appt.
              What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                A lady died in a ambulance recently waiting to be admitted to A&E. Seems the department was overwhelmed by people and they had no room. It was a disaster waiting to happen as even with OH and his 'red card' we were there for 12 hours both times recently. There is now a marquee where patients can be triaged rather than it being done outside the department.

                Our surgery had a message on the village FB page asking us not to phone the surgery unless it was an emergency as they only had one clinician on duty!

                On a lighter note, doggo was prescribed Omeprazole after a big stomach operation and as I had a supply of them ( stopped taking them when they didn't have any effect) so he got all my spares! DD got them for Amazon I think!

                Hope you get on better with your new surgery Gem and the pain can be relieved.
                Believe you can and you're halfway there.
                Theodore Roosevelt.


                  What awful tales. Hope you get on with the new surgery Gem.
                  Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                    Gem, the GP service in this country used to be amazing. Now I feel there’s no point in even trying to use it. It’s awful that treatment for your knee is “non essential “. How ridiculous! It’s affecting your whole life and well being. I hope your village surgery is more approachable, but sadly if it’s like ours I’m not optimistic.

                    My arm is still very painful but I know there’s no point in even trying to get ny treatment, but at least it’s not impacting hugely on day to day life., unlike your knee.

                    It’s a sad state of affairs.
                    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                    (Marianne Williamson)


                      Daisy, who knows when I will even hear back from the new surgery, and how it will be there. I doubt it can be much worse than my old one however!
                      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                        Fingers crossed that it is better, Gem. Xx
                        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                        (Marianne Williamson)


                          RFeally worrying and dreadful reports on getting help from doctors surgeries. this is putting an impossible strain on A&E.
                          What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                            It is Plant. It seems people are being told to go to A&E rather than see a GP in some cases.
                            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                              Gem, I think it's so wrong that people are going to A&E unnecessarily, although you can't blame them if they are in pain or frightened and can't get help from their GP. It seems the surgeries have forgotten that they are Primary Care!

                              My GD1 took a bad tumble in PE on Wednesday and the school phoned her parents to say she needed to go to hospital. Her other grandfather collected her from school and took her to A&E. They waited several hours for an X-ray on her shoulder, then more waiting to see the Consultant. He decided her shoulder was ok, but perhaps they should X-ray her elbow. More waiting. X-Ray. More waiting to see the doctor again. And they decided it wasn't broke! So 6 or 7 hours later they were on their way home. But they'd had no lunch - GD's was in her school bag but her GF hadn't wanted to go and leave her while he fetched it. Her parents were frantic because GF didn't communicate at all, and GD's phone was in her school bag! Her arm's still sore and painful, but getting better, but what a lot of waiting around for a relatively minor injury.
                              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                              (Marianne Williamson)


                                Daisy B cut his finger quite badly on the band saw a few days ago , pushing wood through his hand slipped off the wood he was using as a safety push bar ,
                                It cut through the top of his finger and down the nail . downwards not across .

                                He really should have gone to hospital but we knew the wait would be ridiculous so I cleaned it up pushed it together and taped it up ,
                                The flesh part could have been stitched but not much could be done for the nail .
                                It didn't seem worth the hassle
                                Anyway I have dressed it every day and its healing on its own , will take a while and he will lose the nail that's for sure .

                                It comes to something when you decide to treat yourself though doesn't it rather than sit for hours in a Hospital .

                                Hope GD isnt in too much pain now , did she go to school on Thursday ? xx
                                Im not fat just 6ft too small

