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Rather miffed


    Rather miffed

    Had to go to have full Bloods today because of the concern about my white blood cells ,
    As you know I had scans and they were all ok ,
    I was dreading today of what they might throw up .

    Got there for 2.50pm my appointment was 3pm .
    A Emergency came in a old lady had fallen outside the shops near by and had been brought in her head was bleeding she was about late 80s
    So they took her straight in to nurse

    3/4 of a hour later she was patched up and waiting for a taxi .

    This I didn't mind waiting for , after all that could have been me or one of mine needing emergency help .

    Anyway got into Nurses office she apologised for the wait i said don't worry about it these things happen the Elderly lady needed to be seen .

    She then went onto the computer to see what bloods needed doing ,
    went very quiet turned and looked at me and said , I am so sorry your bloods don't need doing till 7th DECEMBER

    What !!! I was told they needed them urgently because of my white blood count ?

    She showed me the letter from Hematology that said to prescribe Iron Tablets and to re do my Bloods on 7th December to see if they had made a difference
    Then if it was the same they would investigate further .

    She apologised again for my wait and mix up , but it wasn't her fault it was reception who had got it wrong and read it as I needed the bloods now .

    I can't say I was happy as I had been rather worried about them ,
    What with the carry on when I was away and they phoned 6 times then this , I told her I was a bit miffed at that not the wait , but what was done was done .

    B said what's the betting you get a phone call to say they got it wrong and you do need them
    Im not fat just 6ft too small

    That is SO annoying Oma. Not least because you have been made to worry for nothing.
    Try to relax now and not worry, hopefully iron tablets will make all the difference.
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


      To be honest Gem when the Dr mentioned Leukemia I was worried but having no symptoms I didn't think it would be but you never know
      So I was a little concerned the way they went on .

      Again not being able to see a Dr and have a talk people are slipping through the net or sitting around worrying about stuff ,
      Im not fat just 6ft too small


        Very annoying Oma, hope they get it right next time.
        What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


          Oma, I don't think anyone with leukaemia would have your cleaning energy to be honest xx
          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


            Oma, what a carry on, got you all hot and worried for nowt! (Yorkshire)


              Oma - I would have been pretty upset too. All that time worrying about it, and then to find the paperwork had gone wrong is very upsetting. I know it wasn't the nurse's fault but I'm sure she was mortified.

              By the way - I agree with Gem - you get more done before most people are out of bed than I do in a whole day! xx
              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

              (Marianne Williamson)


                I haven't felt well for months but Im not THAT ill ,
                Tired and out of sorts but considering I don't sleep well im Anemic and Diabetic I am bound to be tired .

                I think they have no idea why my White cell count is so low so they just guessing what could be the problem '

                Dr kept asking every time I talked with her , Did I have any strange lumps, Did I bleed from my gums or nose bleeds , Am I bruising easily ,

                All Answer's No and If I found a lump I would have been straight on the phone ,
                When I asked why she said well it could be Leukemia that would explain the white blood count .

                My count has been like this for 3 years so why only think of this now ?
                Im not going to worry about it anymore till December , my theory is when I had surgery last year I had a full blood count and they didn't say anything about it ,
                surely if it was anything the Hospital would have said something or done more tests .

                Hopefully the Iron tablets will sort me out
                Im not fat just 6ft too small


                  Oma, my friend and ex neighbour has had various tests and investigations over the years to work out why he has the same problem as you, including cameras up and down his digestive tract!
                  ​​​​​​No reason was ever found.
                  “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                    That is often the case Gem , Medical mystery hahaha
                    Im not fat just 6ft too small


                      Oma - there are lots of conditions that any of us might have without being aware of it. They only get picked up during tests, usually for something unrelated, and don't actually do us any harm. As a friend described it to me - a bit like being someone whose nails break easily, or hair grows slowly.
                      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                      (Marianne Williamson)


                        Daisy Im sure your right , I always think when your told its a virus that's just another way of saying we have no idea what is wrong with you ,

                        To be honest even if I seen a Dr face to face I couldn't actually say what was wrong with me ,
                        Its various niggly things you cant sort of put your finger on , a ache here a feeling there , just generally not right but something you just get on with and hope it goes away

                        Im not fat just 6ft too small


                          Oh dear Oma. All that worry for nothing.

                          Hope the elderley lady is ok.
                          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                            Originally posted by Oma View Post
                            Daisy Im sure your right , I always think when your told its a virus that's just another way of saying we have no idea what is wrong with you ,

                            To be honest even if I seen a Dr face to face I couldn't actually say what was wrong with me ,
                            Its various niggly things you cant sort of put your finger on , a ache here a feeling there , just generally not right but something you just get on with and hope it goes away
                            I agree about the virus 'diagnosis'. It's frustrating when you can't come up with a neat set of symptoms that fall into nice straightforward 'illnesses'. Have you tried writing all these niggly things down and keeping a diary of them for a month?

                            My own pet theory is that modern life has a lot to answer for - there's a long and muddy chain of events from our food being grown to it being eaten. We've no idea what happens to even simple foods like basic vegetables before we buy them. We're bombarded with 'wireless' devices, blue light, noise, pollution, even clothes made from goodness knows what . I think they all add 'stress' to our bodies and affect us in different ways.

                            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                            (Marianne Williamson)


                              Oma, Do you use a lot of cleaning materials that might be toxic or have you changed any of them recently. I do hope you can find out what is making you feel out of sorts. My remedy is a brandy or whisky before going to bed, in warm milk if you like to get a good night sleep.
                              What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare

