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    Are any of you ladies on Statins?
    My latest review showed I was borderline high for cholesterol.
    They weigh up this result with other factors, such as your weight, BP, whether you are a smoker etc.
    I have never smoked but my BP was highish last time despite my meds, and added to my weight that suggests going onto statins.

    The practice nurse phoned me yesterday to discuss this. She sent me a link about that and left me to think. I am also to take my BP twice a day and send in the results, then we will talk again.
    I was reluctant to go onto another drug, but she said no one ever wants to go on meds (not quite true, I feel if it's for pain or really improve your life surely you would? I willingly take my breast cancer drug)
    Statins would decrease my risk of heart attack or stroke in the future, so maybe I should.

    I'm also working on losing the lockdown weight gain and more, and that can only help everything.
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

    I have been on Statins for years now , never had a problem and my Cholesterol has stayed stable ,
    I take Atrorvastatin 20mg once a day
    B is on them too and his Cholesterol has dropped a fair bit .
    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      Gem, like Oma I've been on statins for years (I can't even remember how many years). Simvastatin 10mg - the dose or brand has never changed. I've got one friend who felt they made her feel ill and stopped taking them, but otherwise they seem to be free of side-effects.

      the trouble is with any long-term use of a drug, you don't know how you would have been without them.
      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

      (Marianne Williamson)


        I was on them and decided to come off them some time ago. At one of my medication reviews the nurse asked if I was still taking them I told her No. Why? because I didn't want to be putting unnecessary meds into my body I told her. She got very stroppy when I asked how high my cholesterol was. She wore me down and I agreed to take them, but they made me feel ill, so I spoke to the GP and he said to stop them because cholesterol was OK. At the latest chat with GP, he said he didn't prescribe unnecessary meds and he stopped my BP meds too. He wasn't concerned about cholesterol because the good one was high. Told me to control it through diet, less saturated fats, bit more exercise .I've to take BP for a week in a couple of months to check if it's risen,, if not, stay off the meds, if yes, get in touch. Take results to the practice for their notes. So now I only take aspirin to thin the blood, which he said was a legitimate use for them!

        I really do think, some practitioners prescribe meds just for the sake of prescribing. OH is on three meds for Type2 diabetes, in spite of his blood sugars being quite low.

        Is there a history of heart disease in the family Gem? That can be a factor in statins being prescribed.
        Believe you can and you're halfway there.
        Theodore Roosevelt.


          WG I take 3 different tablets for my Diabetes but mine isn't responding to diet at all and can be high some days,
          If his sugar is low he may no longer be Diabetic he should question his Dr on the use of them.
          Im not fat just 6ft too small


            Both me and hubby take statins.
            Hubby is on simvastatin and i used to be.
            When they put me blood pressure tablets,they changed mine to atorvastatin.
            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


              Nanto - I wonder why they changed your brand of Statins.

              Oma - I think there was a time when doctors got brownie points (ie money) for having patients on certain 'preventative' medication. I think WeeGranny is right, and there are probably thousands, if not millions of people on medication which isn't strictly necessary.
              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

              (Marianne Williamson)


                I’ve also been on statins - simvastatin - for ages, never had any problems And my cholesterol seems to be under control.
                "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


                  Thanks everyone.
                  These replies are reassuring. My friend C has been on statins for few years now as well. She said the first type caused leg pains but the Dr changed them and shes had no problems since.

                  I know what you mean about overprescribing and just leaving people on meds though.

                  When mum became ill in spring 2020 she was on FOUR PB pills, one for cholesterol and Diazepam, as and when for sleep problems. She is now on one BP tablet and a multi vitamin! Each year at her review I wondered why they still left her on so many.

                  I know statistic are just statistics, but the ones they gave me were for someone with my cholesterol, BP and bmi that in the next ten years fifteen people out of a hundred would go on to have either a heart attack or stroke. Just statistics, and of course eighty five will not, but it's fairly persuasive towards the statins.
                  “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                    I haven’t had my BP or cholesterol taken for some years and without visiting a doctor how can you tell. There will not be routine checks I presume.
                    What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                      Plant, because I am on BP meds I have to have an annual review , blood tests are part of it and they look for various things.
                      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                        Daisy I think Atorvastatin is better with BP tablets

                        Plant like Gem I get regular BP taken and Blood tests at surgery, I have BP checks every 4-6 month depending how high it is when I go ,
                        Maybe you should ask about it next time you see a nurse xx

                        Im not fat just 6ft too small


                          Oma - I'm on BP tablets as well - Candesartan Cilexetel 8mg. I do have an annual check up - due now. I've had the blood test and now need to see the nurse for the rest of the checks.

                          Plant - I agree with Oma. Nobody wants extra tests doing, but it might be an idea to mention it to the nurse.

                          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                          (Marianne Williamson)


                            Our surgery is still in lockdown mode - they don’t want pesky patients cluttering up the place! None of the large surgeries are open but DD’s smaller surgery has remained open throughout the pandemic!

                            The older doctors all retired a few years ago and the younger ones just don’t seem interested. A very smart purpose built surgery but no heart at all.

                            One of the nurses is ok. She and the receptionists (who did a two week course apparently) have been the only staff available. The practice manager was very aggressive and rude when I had a query over a prescription!

                            No chance of of changing surgeries as too many people want to!


                              I think ours is on lockdown too Shem! I had my review totally online or by phone. Apart from having blood taken, which you can't have done at the surgery any more.
                              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

