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    Well we back from my appointment , spot on time no hanging around ,
    Not what I wanted , I wanted to be sent home and never to darken their doors again , no such luck

    I have 1 year of constant tests every 3 month then they will take my Parathyroid gland out ,
    Have to start by having lots of bloods taken this morning ,
    Then I have to Pee in a bottle for 24 hours starting Monday take it to Pathology on Tuesday ,

    After that I will get appointments for 3 different scans one chest, one kidneys , then Bone density ,
    Apparently Parathyroid problems can cause thinning of the bones quicker than normal , I think its the new thing when you get to a certain age to be honest but what do I know

    Bloods every 3 month and several others im not sure what yet , he said they would explain each one on each visit .

    Have to stay on VitD Permanent , Cholesterol slightly high said that's expected so not to worry , Blood pressure was high when I went in but had dropped when they took it again , just anxiousness causing it .

    No idea why it takes a year but he said that's the normal amount of time before they will take it out ,I suppose they have to get through all the tests first ,
    He asked if I was tired a lot , I said yes but my sleep is rubbish anyway, again another symptom

    Apart from that im fine

    Makes a change B sitting with me in waiting rooms doesn't it

    Im not fat just 6ft too small

    Well damn Oma! Not what you wanted I know.
    Hopefully something good will come of it and you will feel less tired xx
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


      Oma, a lot going on there. But, at least they are taking of you.
      A year does seem a long time though doesn't it.
      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


        It does Nanto , although Dr said its a normal amount of time as all these other things have to be done first its called a table of treatment plan
        Must say he was a very nice Dr and listened to answers to his questions rather than looking at the computer screen , made me feel relaxed maybe that's why my BP went down

        Slow but steady Gem
        Im not fat just 6ft too small


          Certainly planning to get to he bottom of things Oma, I hope the end result will improve your sleeping pattern.
          What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


            My goodness Oma,that’s quite a list. I must admit I “googled” the Parathyroids and was surprised to learn they are only the size of a grain of rice ! At least you’re getting things done and in a year’s time you’ll be a new woman.


              I know Clover wouldn't think they could grow and cause so much trouble , I hadn't even heard of them before .
              I couldn't feel them but Dr could but I suppose he knew what he was looking for , as I understand its just a day care case so shouldn't be a great problem
              Apparently they cause your body to produce too much Calcium that blocks arteries and other problems , such strange little things
              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                Well I think we've all learnt something new today.....thank you Oma! Sounds as if they've got all aspects covered and you'll be well looked after.Hope it all goes well and as you know, from previous hospital experience, a year won't be too long in passing. Take care of yourself x
                Believe you can and you're halfway there.
                Theodore Roosevelt.


                  Well their being thorough Oma that's for sure your one stoic lady and will take it all in your stride xx
                  "What doesn't kill us,makes us stronger."


                    I hadn’t heard of this before either. Glad they are on the case Oma, even if it does seem long winded.
                    Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
                    Eleanor Roosevelt.


                      The parathyroid is one of the zones of the foot we work on during reflexology as part of the endocrine system, but I can't say I know much more about it. I must get out my books!!
                      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                        Oh dear Oma it seems you are taking over from B, but you are in good hands , as you know I have Hashimotos disease a thyroid problem it’s a complicated little thing does many jobs and it seems our age brings on such problems, hope you are looking after yourself


                          Gem I wish you lived near I would book a regular session with you

                          Qwerty as im getting older these things are rearing their ugly heads but at least we have people who can help we have to thank our lucky stars ,
                          To be honest apart from the usual aches pains moans and groans and my Hair falling out that is thankfully recovering I didn't feel too bad just off if you know what I mean, couldn't put my finger on what was wrong so didn't go to Drs till the hair issue , I mean what can you say to Dr " sorry to bother you Dr but I have odd symptoms that don't seem related any idea what's wrong "
                          Im learning bits about my body I didn't know I had hahaha

                          Libra I just go with the flow and soldier on no point moaning about it is there it is what it is

                          GM like Clover I had to Goodle it

                          WG your right time passes quick and you never know after a year they may change their mind about the op ( I hope )
                          Im not fat just 6ft too small


                            Oma, I think that's what we do, soldier on especially when we can't see how our various symptoms may be linked! I'm glad you have seen a Dr now though, so in the end it will be for your benefit.

                            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                              Oma - what a b****r for you. Just when B's regular hospital appointments were easing off, you are going to steal his thunder. I will have to Google it as well. But as you say when you have a few vague symptoms we're so used to doctors saying 'well, at your age ...' that we tend to soldier on regardless, but it sounds as though the treatment they're planning will make you feel like a new woman. I know you'll take it all in your stride, and better to get it sorted out than not.

                              Just one thought - if you have to pee into a bottle for 24 hours, make sure it's a big bottle with a good stopper! xx

                              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                              (Marianne Williamson)

