B received a letter this morning about the Bone density scan he had several weeks ago ,
The results show that his Spine and Hips have significant lower values than should be , meaning he has severe Osteoporosis ,
The consultant said they think because of his previous spinal surgery , Lymphoma and one of the drugs he takes for the Hep B its all took its toll on his bones ,
They now want him to see another Dr to talk about treatments to try to prevent further loss and have yearly bone density scans ,
He must be careful of falls as he could break his hips easily .
He's already on vast amounts of tablets I suppose a few more wont make a difference
What more can be thrown at this man
Just as well we can look on the bright side of things isn't it
The results show that his Spine and Hips have significant lower values than should be , meaning he has severe Osteoporosis ,
The consultant said they think because of his previous spinal surgery , Lymphoma and one of the drugs he takes for the Hep B its all took its toll on his bones ,
They now want him to see another Dr to talk about treatments to try to prevent further loss and have yearly bone density scans ,
He must be careful of falls as he could break his hips easily .
He's already on vast amounts of tablets I suppose a few more wont make a difference
What more can be thrown at this man

Just as well we can look on the bright side of things isn't it
