Last night my OH went out to take the wheelie bin out ready for this morning as they come early. We keep it in the back garden so we need to move it then push it through the garden gate and to the front of the property. As she manoeuvred the bin she fell over a concrete cat we have in the garden. Now we have both tripped over it more than once and only last week I decided to move it to a safer place. I wish I had!!
OH came in and told me what had happened and said she thought she had broken her wrist. I examined it and she could move everything but we did both think it looked not quite right. I said we needed to get it checked at the ED.
Off we went. I have a big fear of driving in multi story car parks,and have never done so. There is no other parking at our hospital aside from Disabled or Staff.
On the odd occasion I have been on my own I park at a car park a couple of minutes walk away. I didn't want OH to have to walk any further than necessary. Neither did I want to drop her off at the entrance and leave her to fend for herself while I parked and walked back. We decided that it shouldn't be that crowded at that time so I may be lucky and find a spot on the ground level, which never happens normally.
I decided this was the time to be brave. Plenty of ground level spaces, all good!
It was busy in the ED. Lots of babies and children
We arrived around 9.15 we think and left 3 hours later. Could be worse I suppose!
After examination and X ray it was declared broken, just one bone. It had kind of bent up on itself when she fell and it need straightening. Either manually or with an operation. Luckily with gas and air, a local anaesthetic and 3 staff they managed to pull and pull until it clicked. Then they plastered it, then back to X ray to check it was set correctly. It was, so no op needed, Phew!
She will go to the fracture clinic on Wednesday. They offered Tuesday but Sod's Law it's the one day I have all 3 GC all day, and we didn't know who else to ask to drive her. Only an extra day to wait anyway. They said as it was in such good position they may not want to take this cast off on Wednesday, but may wait a bit. It will come off at some point though to be replaced by the one which will stay for a few weeks.
She was very brave and never in much pain. She liked the gas and Air! She is totally gutted about the the golf competitions she will have be back out of however.
These things happen so suddenly don't they?
The Dr just kept saying be glad it's not your hip, it could be much worse, in response to her golf disappointments! We know he is right it could be worse.
OH came in and told me what had happened and said she thought she had broken her wrist. I examined it and she could move everything but we did both think it looked not quite right. I said we needed to get it checked at the ED.
Off we went. I have a big fear of driving in multi story car parks,and have never done so. There is no other parking at our hospital aside from Disabled or Staff.
On the odd occasion I have been on my own I park at a car park a couple of minutes walk away. I didn't want OH to have to walk any further than necessary. Neither did I want to drop her off at the entrance and leave her to fend for herself while I parked and walked back. We decided that it shouldn't be that crowded at that time so I may be lucky and find a spot on the ground level, which never happens normally.
I decided this was the time to be brave. Plenty of ground level spaces, all good!
It was busy in the ED. Lots of babies and children

We arrived around 9.15 we think and left 3 hours later. Could be worse I suppose!
After examination and X ray it was declared broken, just one bone. It had kind of bent up on itself when she fell and it need straightening. Either manually or with an operation. Luckily with gas and air, a local anaesthetic and 3 staff they managed to pull and pull until it clicked. Then they plastered it, then back to X ray to check it was set correctly. It was, so no op needed, Phew!
She will go to the fracture clinic on Wednesday. They offered Tuesday but Sod's Law it's the one day I have all 3 GC all day, and we didn't know who else to ask to drive her. Only an extra day to wait anyway. They said as it was in such good position they may not want to take this cast off on Wednesday, but may wait a bit. It will come off at some point though to be replaced by the one which will stay for a few weeks.
She was very brave and never in much pain. She liked the gas and Air! She is totally gutted about the the golf competitions she will have be back out of however.
These things happen so suddenly don't they?
The Dr just kept saying be glad it's not your hip, it could be much worse, in response to her golf disappointments! We know he is right it could be worse.