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So very very cross

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    So very very cross

    we ordered some striped tub chairs from a company which has recently merged with Dunelm. I paid on 21st September in full including delivery. 10 to 14 week delivery, OK that is fine, as long as they were here for when the family come 2nd January. In November before holiday I emailed them to make sure they were not planning to deliver while we were away. No they said, there are still still 7 weeks on the delivery. OK.

    So delivery should have been at the latest Monday next week. Hadn’t heard from them so emailed them yesterday only to be told today via email that them chairs would not be in stock until 11th January. Not to put too fine a point on it there has been an exchange of emails tonight and I have made it clear that I am not impressed in the least and asked if they would have informed us if I had not contacted them? I also asked them to phone me. I also pointed out that I prefer to be addressed as Mrs Bowman (one of my bug bears is the assumption that someone can use my first name if I do not know them).

    No phone call but an email saying they shared my frustration. SHARE MY FRUSTRATION? I do not think so. Bearing in mind that I spent over ten minutes earlier this evening trying to get hold of customer services on a paying line which we discovered closed fifteen minutes before my call but which had a voice urging me to hold on for an operator. I have told them I will expect reimbursement of the cost (I know I will not get it).

    I am so angry. I was looking forward to getting the chairs. I feel exceptionally let down. Trust Pilot here I come and I will be writing to Dunelm to complain.
    If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together

    Oh Zizi, that is disappointing when you expected them to be here any time now.
    Get complaining!
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


      ‘Shared your frustration ‘ ?
      So they also ordered chairs waited for a delivery that never was going to happen and kept themselves waiting on the phone did they ?

      Why do companies insist on trying to be our best buddy. All we want is a good service, not much to ask is it.

      Ziz are you going to see if you can find similar chairs elsewhere ?
      Bring me sunshine in your smile.


        Yes Mimi. The only striped ones we can find that are similar are more expensive and not quite the right colour. They are grey striped and I just don’t think they will look right. I have found some lime green ones unstriped, not my favourite choice, and we have decided that I will call the company tomorrow to make absolutely sure that it will be with us in time before we order. As we now have an antique Windsor chair in the sitting room which was previously in the bedroom, one chair will be enough and then if we like it (I am not convinced the colour is right) and think another would look OK we can order another or sell the original and source something else.

        The Windsor chair was a wedding present to my grandparents and we only brought it in to the sitting room as the room looked empty with just two armchairs in but now it looks like it really belongs here and I am personally very happy for it to stay in this room.

        Husband thinks the company may have lost the order and 11th January is the next delivery date. I don’t care what the excuse/reason is, they should have been in touch before now.

        I do despair of service sometimes. I do a lot of on line shopping and find it convenient given my lifestyle and job but just every now and then I wonder why I bother. Today we went into a proper shop and ordered wood flooring for the bedroom. We could see and touch what we were getting, talk to the person and explain how important it was that it would be fitted at a certain time (immediately after the wardrobe fit while the room is empty) and came out several hundred pounds lighter but confident that the transaction would go as planned and if it doesn’t I know where to go to give him a thump! Only joking although that is the way I felt earlier.
        If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


          What a let down for you Zizi, why don't these companies come clean about delay in providing the product you have ordered.
          What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


            Some companies need to up their game,regarding communication.

            You must be so dissappointed.

            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


              nan2 this company is now owned by Dunelm so they will be hearing from me as well. They have also acquired Achica which is one if my favourite on line sites so I might think twice about ordering from them now. They also have another couple of companies on their list and I wonder if they are going the same way as some other companies i.e. growing too fast and in the process taking their eye off the ball.

              Oh oh well let us wait and see if they actually come back to me today. I will be exceptionally annoyed if they dare to tell me that my money will not be immediately refunded, they have had it for three months and the payment was immediate with the order.
              If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


                OMG I'm angry for you Zizi , that is bad management at the least ,
                They must have known they couldn't deliver !!!
                Shocking that .
                Im not fat just 6ft too small


                  I finally got to speak to someone this morning. It was someone from Dunelm and he was shocked that we had waited so long but it turned out I was with the wrong department so got passed on. I had to go through the whole thing again. The second chap did not seem bothered in the least. I told him the service was appalling and I wanted my money back quickly. He said well you.can have the chairs on or around the 11th January so what is the problem? How I did not explode I do not know. I told him that ordering On 21st September for delivery before Christmas should be adequate notice and asked why nobody had contacted me to tell me there was a problem. He said they do not contact customers as a matter of course. So if I had not emailed them I would still be expecting delivery tomorrow. Disgraceful I think. Trust Pilot here I come.

                  He was not happy when I told him that I ordered and paid for two hand made NEXT chairs of a much better quality and got them in four weeks so if NEXT can do it AND keep me informed as to the progress of the order why couldn’t they? He just said “thank you for telling me that” in a sarcastic tone. Upshot is that we need to reorder from elsewhere but as I said I haven’t found anything that lights my fire but we will have to compromise. Only thing is that I wanted these chairs to last for a long time which was the point of having multi coloured ones, so we could pick colours out of them next time we decorate. Husband due in in half an hour so will discuss colours with him then. There is one store that if we order by 5 tomorrow we will get before Christmas allegedly.........
                  If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


                    Well there we go, about turn, and now for something completely different! Discussed with himself and looked on line and have bought something totally different to the original idea. One of those antique looking patchwork chairs. It is a lot of colours but the chair picks up the wallpaper, wall, blind and NEXT chair colours. So when we redecorate (not sometime soon I hope) there will be a lot of colours to choose from.

                    We have only ordered one (£119 instead of £230) and it will be delivered 21st or 22nd December. I have checked reviews and only one out of twenty or so I read was negative.

                    I will write my complaint and Trust Pilot review tomorrow.
                    If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


                      Sorry to hear about your frustrating chair purchase Zizi! Hope that the new ones are much nicer and more comfortable than the original ones.

                      On a positive note, I ordered a bookcase from Oak Furniture Land ( no veneer in 'ere!), scheduled to arrive last Thursday. Got text on Wednesday to say it'd be there between 7 and 10 a.m and on Thursday a phone call to say they'd be there in 15 -30 minutes. Bookcase was in lounge by 7.30a.m. There are decent firms out there, hopefully your new supplier is one of them.
                      Believe you can and you're halfway there.
                      Theodore Roosevelt.


                        WG I must admit we have recently had a TV unit, small square dining table and Nest of tables from Oak Furniture Land and I agree with you, delivery and communication was excellent. I have calmed down now but I will get annoyed tomorrow when I write the review I just know it!
                        If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


                          Good luck with the new chair Zizi! Hopefully all will go smoothly and it will be with you before Christmas
                          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                            Zizi - bad service is so frustrating and if a company is being inefficient, dishonest or just plain incompetent there's not much we can to except complain, but hopefully your antique-looking multi-coloured chair will arrive on time. I think you are due for something to go smoothly for you. xx
                            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                            (Marianne Williamson)


                              After the argument about refunding the money it is in my bank today plus a refund for the protection spray for the original chairs and delivery charge. Husband, silly s8d, did something wrong (twice) in ordering the new chair so have re-ordered and then he said that he cancelled it accidentally. I could have brained him. Anyway I think all is well now, if it isn’t he is in BIG trouble.

                              I am going to Trust Pilot the original chair supplier tomorrow.
                              If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together

