100% attendance awards for school children are something I feel very strongly about. I think my GD may have had one or two in her school life so far.
They are pointless to my mind. Children cannot help being ill, and should not feel they have to make it into school if they are, so as not to spoil their record.
I am fully aware and approve of efforts made by schools to rewards the less academically able children, by having awards for things other than high marks. I don't feel that full attendance is the answer however.
Also, it is not fully in a child's control. If parents book a term time holiday, or take them out for some other reason, it's not down to the child.
OK little rant over!
They are pointless to my mind. Children cannot help being ill, and should not feel they have to make it into school if they are, so as not to spoil their record.
I am fully aware and approve of efforts made by schools to rewards the less academically able children, by having awards for things other than high marks. I don't feel that full attendance is the answer however.
Also, it is not fully in a child's control. If parents book a term time holiday, or take them out for some other reason, it's not down to the child.
OK little rant over!