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Such a shame.

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    Such a shame.

    When I was on the bus the other day a young lady got on with her 2/3 year old little girl. From the minute they boarded the Mum was fiddling with her phone.. The little girl was desperate for some attention but was totally ignored. First she was trying to show her mum a picture she had coloured but not even a glance, despite the child's "Mummy,mummy,mummy!"Then she picked up a newspaper someone had left and was saying "I'm reading a book Mummy" but still no answer. Eventually the poor child gave up and gazed out of the window. I longed to sit by her and look for things out of the window and chat about what we saw. I know young parents get exhausted sometimes and perhaps the Mum had something important she had to do (but I doubt it) but to be playing on the phone the entire time ,over half an hour, made me feel sad. An opportunity for some Mummy and daughter time wasted. I hope she doesn't regret it though again I doubt it.

    We see this all the time, Clover, such a shame and they are little for such a short time. I've also seen in restaurants the whole family on phones, no chatting at all. Sometimes I wish the wretched things hadn't been invented !
    "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


      Us too! We were amazed to see people we knew, mum, dad, Granddad and a 6 year old all on their phones or tablets in the same restaurant as us recently. I don't think they exchanged a word the whole meal!
      Somehow it makes me fearful of the future for the social skills of the little ones.
      Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
      Eleanor Roosevelt.


        I hate it when little ones are ignored like that.Children at that age are so interesting, and eager to learn, it is wasted time.

        A couple of years ago, we saw a Mum waiting to cross a busy road. She had one hand on the handle of a pushchair and her other hand holding the phone to her hear.
        She also had a little boy about 5. We just knew the boy was going to try and cross the road by himself,which he did,and he got hit by a car.
        Police and ambulance came, driver was questioned. We all told the police exactly what happened, and it was on the local news later, saying the driver was at no fault.
        The little boy was taken to hospital, and he was OK, but it could have been so much worse.
        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


          Bus journeys with my GC have been some of the most entertaining times. Time to chat with no distractions for either, with added excitement of them being allowed to push the button for the bell when we re near our destination! I can imagine how sad you felt for that little girl Clover..

          At the playpark I often see mums sitting on benches totally immersed in their phones while the child plays, sometimes pushing a child on the swing, still lost in the phone!

          That poor little boy Nan2, let's hope his mother learned something from that awful experience,.
          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


            I sometimes want to say to young parents, get off your phone and pay attention to your child. They are only young for what seems like a fleeting moment, enjoy them while you can. The things they say, the look of surprise and wonder is priceless, it's not until they are grown up do you realise what joy they are and in the end all that you have left of their childhood is memories. Only those of you on your phone won't. You will just see stupid, pointless selfies and status updates that are at best unless at worst, an embarrassment.
            Bring me sunshine in your smile.


              The trouble is, if parents of young children ignore them because they're too attached to their phones, the children will grow up into teenagers, not even knowing their parents as people, and will also perpetuate it with their own children.

              Nanto - that poor little boy. Thank goodness he was ok - it could have had a very different outcome. I hope the mother learned from it.

              It's awful to watch whole families in restaurants not talking because they are all glued to their devices. I suppose it makes for a quieter restaurant for the rest of us, but I still think it's very sad. I don't mind the grandchildren using their phone or tablet while they are waiting for us grown ups to finish eating, but not all through the meal!
              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

              (Marianne Williamson)


                I'm afraid I have banned anyone using a phone/tablet whatever when they are eating at our table. They were grumpy about it at first but know now that I just won't have it and it means we can chat and hear all their news. Now they are older they appreciate it and understand why I don't like it. Grandma knows best
                "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


                  Enfys - I don't allow devices at the table at home - but in restaurants when grown ups want to linger over their meal or coffee, I don't mind then. It keeps them entertained and quiet and quite often they will be talking to each other because they're playing an interactive game. I've never had any arguments about them wanting to use devices at meal times at home and I think it's because neither set of parents allow it either. So they don't expect to bring say their phone to the table. None of the grown ups have their phone at the table, so at least we're all setting a good example!
                  "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                  (Marianne Williamson)


                    We don't allow them at the table at home either, but in a restaurant when there is often lots of delays we allow the phone.
                    Grandmothers are just antique little girls - author unknown


                      Don't get me started 👹
                      "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

                      (Doe Zantamata.)


                        My lovely GC got mobile phones for Christmas, they drive me mad, there always on a forum thing with there friends, on loud speaker, not at the table though, they know there not allowed.... saying that my big kids don't play with there mobiles at the table too, we were out for T's BD a few weeks ago and DS's phone was going off all the time, I think he seen my look because he put his phone away....didn't know I still had it...
                        How does a child spell Love..........T.I.M.E

