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Why is this?

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    Why is this?

    Am I alone in having an irrational dislike of a person I don't even know? I really dislike the radio and TV presenter Jeremy Vine. I feel I'm a horrible person for being like this but I just can't stand the man.I'm not saying he's no good at his job but I'm afraid I didn't find Crimewatch as watchable as usual due to him being the new main presenter. While I'm on the subject of CW,why did they have to make it an Outside broadcast from an airbase which was loosely connected to one of the cases featured?.Ifelt they were trying to make it more of an "entertainment" rather than a serious programme.

    Gosh I am a real grumpy granny today.

    I know what you mean Clover there is a announcer on channel 5 she sounds like she comes from Jamaica or there a bouts she may be a lovely lady but her voice grates on me she sounds so slow , it actually makes me grit my teeth , I dislike Keith Lemon a LOT hate through the key hole now and I used to love that programme
    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      Me too. I really do not like Nags Munchetty. I think she is a show off and is going to be a royal pain in the thingie in Strictly. There are a few others as well.......
      If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


        There are several presenters I do not like Clover but I do like Jeremy Vine. Perhaps he was wrong to present CW, he is on rather a lot.
        What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


          I do like Naga,I think she is one of the nicer newsreaders and always dresses with decorum.
          "What doesn't kill us,makes us stronger."


            Oh Oma you must be a woman after my own heart as I find Keith Lemon the most uncouth presenter to ever appear on TV and I am certainly no prude apart from looking as though he has been battered with an ugly stick (am I allowed to say that) he has said worse I think,his overall manner is just so unfunny it's scarey if fact.
            Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


              So agree can't stand him and I don't find him at all funny and believe me I will laugh at anything but not him 😠
              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                I like Naga, but I'm another one that doesn't like Keith Lemon. Quite a few members of the family have told me I'm a miserable so and so, for not liking him.
                While on the subject,i can't stand actress Denice Welch.
                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                  LG Naga sometimes dresses very strangely so I cannot agree with you there. Keith Lemon is a character name used by Leigh Francis. I detest him/it as well although I have quite liked Leigh Francis in other characters but not hugely. Another person I will not watch is James Nesbit. This is for personal reasons.
                  If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


                    I have an irrational dislike of Rene Zelwigger. The poor woman has done nothing to me, but I can't abide her!

                    Keith Lemon, nasty little man. ( although it could all be an act and he could be very nice for all we know!)

                    Nan2, my OH dislikes Denise Welch too!
                    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                      Clover, I'm so glad you've brought this subject up. I have a totally irrational dislike of Sarah Raven, the gardener. She never smiles, always looks smug and talks as though we all live in mansions with huge gardens, like she does. I don't feel so bad now I know I'm not the only one who dislikes someone I've never met.

                      I'd never heard of Ms Munchetty until Strictly, I don't 'get' Keith Lemon at all.
                      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                      (Marianne Williamson)


                        I dislike Mariah Carey, not just because of her (why sing one note when I can sing 12) warble, but also she is reported to be extremely difficult to work with. She is a bit of a diva with her unreasonable demands..
                        I also dislike Jeremy Vine, but his brother Tim Vine is very funny , he is in the Guinness book of records for telling the most jokes in an hour.
                        Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                          another one here who can't stand Keith Lemon/Leigh Francis. Don't like Naga either, don't know why, or Tim Vine, just don't find him funny at all. Another one I don't like much is Greg whatsisname off masterchef. Oh dear, I'm not really grumpy, there are lots of people I do like
                          "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


                            Daisy she used to be on the BBC World News that ended at 6am then she did a couple of stints on the red sofa for BBC Breeakfast and in the last few months has become a regular. I watch BBC News every day and I miss the lovely Bill Turnbull. I really like Louise Minchin, she is so bright and lively and it is funny when she finds it difficult to keep a straight face. There are a couple of newer male presenters who are a a bit stilted. Actually when I think about it there are a few people I really don't like for no real reason and not all of them from the TV/big screen......
                            If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


                              Ah the lovely Bill Turnball, do miss him, he is presenting a new quiz show, not keen. I saw him in Marks and Spencer food shop, he look younger than he does on television
                              What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare

