Just to give a balance I thought I would tell you about our CP charity shop for which I am responsible. When items come in they are checked and should there be anything that a volunteer is interesting in purchasing it is put to one side for the Duty Manager to price. The price is the same as we would expect to sell the item for so that the charity does not lose out in any way. Most of our volunteers love cat and would never want to do anything to decrease funds as they see it as depriving rescue cats of something they need. High value items are often taken out of the shop by the one volunteer who does all the valuations. All items are seen before they are taken so there is no risk of anything going missing and the volunteer dealing with this is one of longstanding and is very honest indeed and again would not do the charity down. We often get things that people have cherished all their lives and they tell us this is the case and even suggest a price that we might get when we sell the item. When they come in the next time we tell them how much we made on their donation and thank them again for their support. If this were not the case then people would stop giving as I am sure Querty will be doing at that particular shop now. So they miss out on any further donations and quite rightly so.
Incidentally some items are not sold in the shop and go onto eBay - this is good for specialist items or unusual items. Also some items go to auction as they will bring in a higher price again. All jewellery is valued by the local friendly jeweller and even unsaleable metal items like saucepan which are past their best are recycled and we get money for those.
Incidentally some items are not sold in the shop and go onto eBay - this is good for specialist items or unusual items. Also some items go to auction as they will bring in a higher price again. All jewellery is valued by the local friendly jeweller and even unsaleable metal items like saucepan which are past their best are recycled and we get money for those.