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A Generation gap? And then some!!!!

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    A Generation gap? And then some!!!!

    I was going to put this on Yeo then decided not to.

    My OH has 2 granddaughters. One is 26 and the other 24. The younger one is living with her boyfriend (who chooses not to work) while she does 2 jobs. We last saw her when she came up with her mother and sister at Christmas.

    Since that time, despite her grandfather's bad fall and breaking of arm, and other events, she has not contacted her grandfather once. Not by text, letter, card, FB, What'sApp, Instagram etc. The other granddaughter did send a card to him, and one to me also as a get better for knees. I didn't expect anything from the younger one as she and I have kept ourselves sensibly distant as she obviously doesn't like me, never has even as a child, and up until yesterday I didn't care much one way or the other. I put up with her for OH's sake. It was an easy truce as I didn't see her often, except for 3 years when she was at University here and wanted to park her car in our driveway, pick it up every Friday and go back home to her (different ) boyfriend. I was useful then!

    Yesterday she came on FB ranting, and quite literally raving, about how the elderly had ruined her life and her children's lives (she hasn't got any yet) !!! and that they were all Jeremy Kyle watchers who should not have been allowed to vote as it has utterly ruined her future. We know she was brainwashed at many awful ideas she came out with when there and they have stayed with her.

    We both realise her ideologies are different and may NOT all be wrong, so we never said anything to rock any boats, just kept the peace.

    And more vitriol which I won't put here. This is the girl who couldn't be bothered to contact her grandfather when he was very ill. Nice.

    I responded with a "Whose Jeremy Kyle?" and " Gee, I think your granddad and I ought to arrange for us to be euthanised asap" I made sure there was an emotcion with a smiley kiss at the end, because she takes offence at everything so quickly.

    She subsequently went onto her granddad's timeline and ranted to him, then, Blocked me, her granddad, my daughter, everyone in my side of the family, after deleting everything she wrote.

    Not one word, "how are you granddad" just a whole load of spite and anger.

    We voted LEAVE to help the generations who come after us. We are just hoping this silly and thoughtless girl is not indicative of her generation, or, if it is, we fear what is to come!
    Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go. T.S Eliot

    Elisi she sounds like one selfish girl but it's what she has heard and been taken in by from others , unfortunately there is a lot of it about they have no idea how our lives were like or how hard we had to work , There is a song I forget who sang it but it goes each generation blames the one before and it's true they do , Also we have a generation of selfish youngsters coming up despite how we nurtured them learned them manners or principles and morals , it's a take take society and never give back , Are we to blame ? Most likely ,we pampered and gave in too much maybe . I always say one day they will be the older generation what will they think then when none of there children or grandchildren give them a second thought . What does her Grandfather think of it all , is he upset or just letting her throw her dummy from the pram , This Jeremy Kyle thing she has read on FB and she's jumped on the band wagon it's a phrase being bandied around like being uneducated because you voted out by those who voted stay , I can't tell you how many times I have read the same sentence in the past two days , The world hasn't stopped turning no one has died through it she will come to her senses hopefully xxx
    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      Elisi, unfortunately there are a lot of similar comments flying about at the moment, but dreadful to have them directed at you DH and yourself. I cannot understand why our generation are being they think everything was easy for us when we were younger! So many people these days seem to think they have a god given right to have everything they want and don't realise that you have to work very hard to have a reasonably good life. It saddens me to see such a divide when we should all be standing together, being proud of our country....I still am proud to be English...and to all pull in the same direction to keep Britain great. Nuff said

      Edited: just read yet another comment on FB saying ....our children's future has been stolen from them by the over 50's, a gilded generation (whatever that means)! For goodness sake!!!
      Last edited by Enfys; 25-06-2016, 02:47 PM.
      "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


        So it's all the fault of us "oldies" eh. What they are forgetting is one day they to will be mature and will they then want the younger generation slagging them off. Like everyone else we worked hard to get to where we are today, do they think it was handed on a plate. The ingratitude of youth, selfish most of them. I hope your OH is getting over the vitriol spouted by his GD Elisi, with his health problems he doesn't need this spiteful girl upsetting him. Blimey youngsters think the world should be all their way. It's over, done the vote has been cast, lets wait and see.I haven't bothered with any of the nasty comments on FB, pointless arguing with people when they think their way is always the right way.
        "What doesn't kill us,makes us stronger."


          Elisi - when we were young there was a common understanding between the generations that age brings wisdom. Sadly, that concept has been eroded over the years, and possibly we in the swinging Sixties were the first generation to ignore our elders and do our own thing. Since then though I think the latest generation of youngsters have acquired a sense of entitlement which is very hard to understand. The world doesn't revolve around them (or us for that matter) and I don't know how we get back to the concept that work + respect = prosperity and success.

          I hope your lovely OH isn't upset by his very immature and self-centred GD. By the way - who's Jeremy Kyle!!!!
          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

          (Marianne Williamson)


            Sadly for her, she is to be taken as an easily led, opinionated, (albeit the opinion of others) young person by us, to be tolerated. If only she could see how she really comes across. She will cringe in later years, never fear.
            I voted leave too, I believe it will be best for generations to come. We are as entitled to our opinion as she is hers, but not to impose it on others. She should be told this but I have no idea by whom...
            Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
            Eleanor Roosevelt.


              Agree with everything that has been said here. I heard someone on the early morning news this morning, saying lives have been ruined by voting to leave.

              Well I voted to leave. How do they know lives have been ruined, no-one knows yet what will happen.
              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                Yes I have heard comments like these too although nothing directed at me personally I'm pleased to say. So the older generation should be disinfranchised because SOME of the young disagree with us. They too have a vote and can use it if they want to. The result of what happens after everyone votes is called democracy. We are lucky to have it - if we lived in Russia things would be different.
                Be careful when blindly following the Masses.
                Sometimes the 'M' is silent.


                  I haven't seen any nasty comments on FB, just points of view on the result. Yes, who is Jeremy Kyle?
                  What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                    Jeremy Kyle has a dreadful tv programme trying to sort out people's mess . Most of the participants are the younger generation who have managed to make a complete b...s up of their lives.
                    OH watches it just to see how many teeth the participants have missing....🙄
                    Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
                    Eleanor Roosevelt.


                      Originally posted by Grauntie Mag View Post
                      Jeremy Kyle has a dreadful tv programme trying to sort out people's mess . Most of the participants are the younger generation who have managed to make a complete b...s up of their lives.
                      OH watches it just to see how many teeth the participants have missing....🙄
                      Thanks, GM. Perhaps Jeremy Kyle has some sort of tie up with the British Dental Association to recruit patients!!! It sounds a truly delightful (not) programme.
                      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                      (Marianne Williamson)


                        Dreadful indeed Daisy,when OH and I first moved back from abroad I was so shocked at the programme I couldn't believe programmes like that could be genuine and was convinced they where a "set-up" but it is still broadcast as far as I know.
                        Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


                          The patients on the kidney unit I worked on used to insist on watching Jeremy Kyle -" I don't want to hurt my husband but I took one look at his brother and next thing I knew I was pregnant with his child!" Really unbelievable that people want to air their dirty linen so publicly.

                          I was stunned at the appalling spite that spilled out from some of the remain supporters. There was some ranting over the election results but nothing like the avalanche from the referendum. Pity only 35% of the young could be bothered to vote. I kept reading that we all benefited from cheap housing, gold plated pensions and everything was handed to us on a plate and now we were depriving the young of their lives. Not sure who is feeding them this nonsense but they have no concept at all of democracy and how lucky they are to live in this country.

                          I have also seen so many posts about how nasty the Leave people are being to immigrants (and I quite agree this is appalling and wrong) but it seems to be ok to berate their parents and grandparents in an aggressive and abusive manner. I despair of the future when so many are so opinionated and 100% certain that they are right. What is going to happen when they start to disagree with each other - Armageddon I would imagine.

