I would like to see it as well Libra.
There was a tattoo craze at school but luckily I didn't get involved. Most of them looked like ink blobs! Have caught the last ten mins of tattoo fixers on tv and it is amazing what people have had done to themselves- especially drunk young men on holiday.
A friend was showing me some of her nieces wedding photos. I was lost for words and did eventually say "what a lovely dress". The bride obviously loved her tattoos and had a low back on the gown to show them off! Her back and arms were totally covered. At least most of DD2s would only be visible if she wore a bikini!xx
When my family say to me how will I feel when my skin is all old and wrinkly and my tattoos have dropped to my knees, I always reply by that time I shall be more concerned with wetting myself than where my tattoos have ended up.Oma I will get Brian to take a pic, bit awkward trying to do it myself. It's one of my originals and needs re inking to enhance the colours.
Last edited by Libra Gran; 26-01-2016, 03:16 PM."What doesn't kill us,makes us stronger."