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Ear piercing for babies and toddlers.

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    Ear piercing for babies and toddlers.

    It's an article I read a few days ago, and wondered what your thoughts/opinions are.

    Mothers Kelly Rose Bradford, 41, from London, and Raj Gill, 42, from Glasgow, debate whether there should be an age limit for ear piercing, after a petition gathered 41,000 signatures.

    I had mine done when I was 15, it was the old way, needle through the ear. There was only one place in town where you could get them done.It was a very reputable jewellers. I have no experience of the gun method,so I don't know how much it does or doesn't hurt.

    Our eldest granddaughter was 14 when she had hers done,youngest one was about 11. They both had them done by their own choice.
    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.

    Nan2, I have strong opinions on this!!!

    I think A it looks tacky. B it inflicts needless pain in a tiny child and C there is a very real risk of infection.

    When I was a playgroup leader one mum took her 5 month old twins to be pierced. Both ears for the girl, one for the boy. When another mother commented how painful it must be, the answer was its best to get it done young before they really know what's going on! In my opinion this definitely should be illegal, certainly under the age a child actively understands what is going on and can agree to it. In the creche that I worked in, one mother brought in 6 week old baby with pierced ears. Her beauty was in herself, these mutilating bits of metal in her ears did nothing to enhance it.
    Most of us find it hard to see our little ones in pain for an injection, blood test or medical procedure. How anyone can iinflict pain on them for jewellery, is a complete mystery.

    I do realise that in some cultures it is the norm to do this. I feel sorry for those children, but the parents are doing what everyone does. It would be nice to think that some break away from the tradition, but I can understand why they don't.

    I told my 3 DDs they could have their ears pierced at 12. I preferred later, but this was a compromise as many of their school friends had theirs done at primary school.

    By the way, I had mine pierced aged 34. It hurt, a lot!
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


      I'm an out-and-out coward, and I didn't have my ears pierced until I was in my early thirties. It was done by a jeweller friend, using a gun, and yes, it did sting, but I think it was the noise of the gun firing that made me jump! It seemed to take ages to heal up and months before I was confident poking earrings in and out!

      I've seen young children with horribly swollen, infected and scabby ear lobes after accidents in the playground or poor hygiene.

      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

      (Marianne Williamson)


        Why would a mother want to inflict such discomfort onto their little one for any reason it is beyond my understanding as my mum would say if you where meant to have holes all over your body you would be born with them ?? saying that I had mine done when I was in my 20s and it did hurt a lot.
        Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


          When I worked at the local middle school pierced ears caused a real problem. Parents were asked to if they must get their children's ears pierced to get it done in the summer holiday so they had time before the start of term to heal, but time and time again I as a first aider I had children with infected ear lobes crying, the parents were called to come and deal with it. The school had a rule that all earrings had to either be taken out or covered with sticky tape for PE and games, I used to have a queue for tape. I had mine done when I was 50.
          Last edited by Plantaholic; 23-01-2016, 11:05 AM.
          What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


            I had my DD,s ears done when she was 3 I now wish I hadn't , having said that she never had a problem , I remember the Jewellery shop that did them said he would do one but if she cried he wouldn't do the other but she didn't bat a eye lid , once she started school they only went in at weekends , I had mine done at 11 and Josh was 9 , Brian was 60 when he had his pierced he promised Josh once his first treatment was over he would have it done we thought Josh would forget but he didn't and dragged Granddad off to Jewellers, DD now has 3 earrings in each ear and 1 in belly button
            Im not fat just 6ft too small


              Told mine they could have them done when they were old enough to pay for them themselves which both girls promptly did! DD2 also had her tummy button pierced secretly and I didn't realise for months. DS actually went with her though not very willingly. She was getting off the bus as he was waiting to get on. She looked so guilty that he asked her what was happening. When she told him he went with her to make sure the place was clean and hygienic. I did ask why he didn't stop her and he said it was obvious she was determined and so it was better that he checked things out. She also has one tattoo on her arm (her oh has a matching one) and a huge peacock surrounded by peonies that goes right down her left side. As art it is beautiful but I don't like to see it on her body. DD1 has a tiny rose on the back of her hip. I had my ears pierced when I was in my twenties. They used a gun and it really hurt. Some girls at school did theirs with hot needles and corks but I was too cowardly- both from the pain and my parents reaction!

              One of our GPs would do it but only after trying to talk the mothers out of it! He said they would only do it any way so he at least ensured it was somewhere clean and hygienic. Trouble is when children poke at it with grubby fingers.


                Shem the only one of my DDs to have tattoos is DD2. She has a small pattern in the small of her back and tiny moon and star (a very trendy pattern then!) on her tummy. She was 18 and plucked up courage to tell me and her dad 6 months later! I thought she was leading up to telling me she was pregnant, or worse, on drugs, so this was a relief! She chose places which are normally hidden, so had some common sense
                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                  I suppose it's a case of each to their own, none of my GD's have had their ears pierced, although eldest two were told they could have them done at 11 years old. Both have declined thus far, M isn't interested as like GD 2 is a bit of a tomboy. T told me she is having hers done when she's allowed, but will wait and see. The little Indian girl who stayed at my house had hers done at 1 month old, not I might add by her Mother, it was the Grandmother who did it. But different culture where MIL's carry a lot of clout. Doesnt bother me if they get them done or not, as long as their plain studs. Neither of my girls have tattoos, but of course I have about 8 of them. I go with the flow and believe in doing whats right for yourself, some people like my tattoos, some don't. I like them and thats what matters. People express there individuality in different ways, but I wouldnt judge anyone elses choices.
                  Last edited by Libra Gran; 23-01-2016, 03:44 PM.
                  "What doesn't kill us,makes us stronger."


                    My DD has several small tattoos not in places that can be seen unless she has a bikini on she does have the Lymphoma ribbon tattooed inside her arm , I have the boys names tattooed on my upper arm I intend getting Sophia added when I get my bracelet tattoo I'm having a row of little poppies like a bracelet around my wrist . Everyone to there own my sister hates tattoos , I don't like to see them on necks and faces and I do think you should think long and hard what you get done .
                    Im not fat just 6ft too small


                      That sounds pretty Oma,I have a daisy chain around my wrist.
                      "What doesn't kill us,makes us stronger."


                        I hate piercings - Partly partly because I'm a wuss about having things done to me. I haven't got my ears pierced and never will I told DD she could have hers done after she left school. Her godmother took her to make sure it was done properly. Still don't like them although I agree it's a matter for adults to decide for themselves.


                          Libra and Oma, I have nothing against tattoos at all! Especially when done as an adult. As DD was only 18 I was glad she chose somewhere that didn't show, as it couid have affected her career path later.

                          Libra, one of my best friends like you - loves her tats and is always planning the next one
                          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                            I first had my ears pierced when I left school at fifteen but unfortunately my lovely big dangly earrings attracted the attention of a baby's hands and one of my ears got ripped through. Very painful and lots of blood. I had them repierced at 22 this time using a gun which made me jump but was quicker than the original way I had them done which was in a jewellers and involved a lot of squeaky glove sounds! I love having pierced ears and have dozens of pairs of earrings, some cheap, some expensive, some really expensive. If I forget to put a pair in it feels almost the same as going out with no knickers on once I realise!

                            I am not a big fan of tats to be honest but respect the right of others to have them if they so desire. I really do not like the big "all over" tattoos and often see pretty young women with them and wonder if they realise how dreadful they are going to look when nature takes over their bodies and they get all saggy. I have sometimes seen tats which are quite pretty but I wouldn't have one myself not least because I am a dreadful coward and when I was ill years ago I remember how very difficult I found it going to hospital for treatment knowing they were going to give me needles.

                            My eldest son got a tattoo around his belly button when he was 17 and on holiday in Spain with his mates. It says "made in Great Britain" his dad was livid but at least it was small. When Joe was born he got one on the inside of his forearm. It is hideous. The letters are enormous Times New Roman "JOSEPH" even his wife was cross with hi, when he did it. Thankfully he didn't get one for Sadie. Neither of the other boys have them.

                            My cousin self tattood on her wrist when she was at school, I cannot remember what it was but it was a phrase of the time (60s) she paid loads to have it removed twenty years ago.
                            If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


                              Libra can you take a pic of your Daisy chain please 😊
                              Im not fat just 6ft too small

