Taren has always been a wilful child rather how her Mother was as a child, since September I have been collecting them 2 days a week. Wednesday I pick them up from school at 3.15, home changed into ballet stuff, get them fresh water to go with their snack. They get a break between ballet and disco class.More or less with the odd time we are always late to get to class, it starts at 4.15. They bicker and argue but after I grumbled to DD how stressful it was they have been better, but today was horrendous. Taren does have a bit of a cold but I am not allowing this to be her excuse. From the minute she got into the car after school she was off on one of her hystryonics, saying M had pinched her etc etc.Poor Menna quite often gets blamed for what she hasn't done, and I was checking in the rear view mirror that M was indeed keeping her mitts to herself. Get home and more hysterics she wasn't getting ready for ballet, finally did with coercion.They I tried putting vaseline on her mouth and lips as I had been asked to do as they are a bit sore, that turned into another outburst. Finally got them in the car, late again. M had a peppermint this is a treat for being good, of course I wasn't going to give T one after todays fiasco and had informed her of such. Oh dear off she went again, kicking me in the back of my car seat, screaming please Granny, please Granny. But I stuck to my guns and she said she was telling Mummy
I said please do, and Im sure Mummy will agree with me. I often threaten T she will have to go to after school club if she keeps playing up like this on a Wednesday. Sometimes feel I'm getting to old to put up with this nonsense, and boy does she make my smack botty hand itch
