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OVO energy

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    OVO energy

    My mum had her energy supplied by SSE.They were recently taken over by OVO.

    We sold her house on March 9th. That day on their website I filled in the moving house forms for that date and had an email confirming that the account was closed and any credit would be refunded. I had difficulty submitting the meter readings so OH phoned those in. We were told the credit would refunded within a month. Mum was over £300 in credit as they insisted on taking large direct debits despite the fuel consumption of an empty house being low.

    The new owners got in touch to say they could get electricity but not gas as OVO said we still had an account!
    Then they managed to get gas and OVO emailed to say they were sorry to see us go and would be sending us a bill!

    I then checked mum's bank account and a further £166 had gone.
    I cancelled the direct debits then they emailed to say as I had cancelled the DD I would now have to pay a higher rate.

    I am fuming. Now they won't speak to OH or me on Chat or phone unless I send copy of the Power of Attorney.
    How do I have to send them anything when they owe us money???!! There is nothing to discuss. I have told them this and said if all the money owing isn't refunded to my mum we will take it further.

    I had a rant on FB and said I wanted to murder them and got a stern warning , my post removed and a caution and list of rules from FB!!!
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

    This must be so frustrating for you.
    It's always the same when they owe you money.
    Hope you get it sorted soon.
    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


      Gem - I sympathise completely with you over this. It is totally unfair, frustrating and I'm sure illegal to hold money they are not entitled to. We had much the same problem with my cousin's energy providers (different company) and my OH took it on - he spent many hours getting it sorted out, getting the account closed and - eventually - getting back what had been overpaid. It was so frustrating because you either can't speak to anybody, or they 'transfer' you and then 'lose' the call, or you actually get to speak to a human being and thinks it's sorted, but it's not!

      We got there in the end, and I hope you do, too.

      At least you know you can rant safely on GRU. xx
      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

      (Marianne Williamson)

