I recently bought a cardigan which I liked, apart from the very boring buttons. So I found some I liked on the Hobbycraft website, and also noticed the perfect storage trolley for my art materials. I set up an account, but couldn't get the checkout to work - in fact only one set of buttons went into the basket. Yesterday I rang the customer help line. A charming young man was very apologetic and said normally he'd put it through as a phone order for me, but they were having problems with their phone ordering system as well. He promised to ring back this morning to let me know if it was fixed.
Sure enough, 9.30 the same young man said it was fixed, but I was busy at that moment so said I'd ring back later. I spoke to another young man who was equally pleasant and helpful and placed the order with no problem.
What a pleasant change from many company's Customer Service centre where it sounds as they don't care and you get passed from one person to another - or cut off!
Well done Hobbycraft.
Sure enough, 9.30 the same young man said it was fixed, but I was busy at that moment so said I'd ring back later. I spoke to another young man who was equally pleasant and helpful and placed the order with no problem.
What a pleasant change from many company's Customer Service centre where it sounds as they don't care and you get passed from one person to another - or cut off!
Well done Hobbycraft.