Oh let me vent! 
We arrived at my mum's house this morning to find that things had been done to the front garden. Three small fir trees had the tops lopped off (not trimmed to a point as we do) Also a small tree was cut down and worse of all the beautiful fuchsia bush was cut right down from several feet to a few inches from the ground. Losing all privacy to the front bedroom window.
I messaged the next door neighbour, whose OH cuts mum's side of the adjoining hedge, to ask if they had seen anything going on.
Amazingly the husband had done this! He was cutting mum's hedge last week when the man who is buying the house asked him to do these other jobs.
To say I am incandescent with rage would not be an overstatement.
I don't want to fall out with the neighbours, and I have said I don't blame them but pointed out that this is still my mums property and in effect trespass for anyone to go into the garden and do anything not authorised by me. I said he must accept no more instructions from the man and to check with me first.
A Sold sign is in the garden so the neighbours (very nice but not the brightest to be honest!) didn't think to check with me.
As I told them, that just means sold subject to contract. No contract has been signed nor do we even have a date for this.
The front now looks mess with dead stuff in a big bag , a couple of black bin bags, and on the ground. I will be onto the estate agent on Monday to tell them to have strong word with the buyer. We could take action over this to be honest. Trespass and wilful damage!
We won't, unless the sale falls through then we may want some recompense to put the garden right.
Today I want to ring his stupid neck to be honest. He KNOWS that is not his property. No money has changed hands and nothing been signed.
Once we have the money and he owns the house he can do whatever he likes, but not yet!!!
I have no idea if he has the code to the keysafe but today I have changed it.

We arrived at my mum's house this morning to find that things had been done to the front garden. Three small fir trees had the tops lopped off (not trimmed to a point as we do) Also a small tree was cut down and worse of all the beautiful fuchsia bush was cut right down from several feet to a few inches from the ground. Losing all privacy to the front bedroom window.
I messaged the next door neighbour, whose OH cuts mum's side of the adjoining hedge, to ask if they had seen anything going on.
Amazingly the husband had done this! He was cutting mum's hedge last week when the man who is buying the house asked him to do these other jobs.
To say I am incandescent with rage would not be an overstatement.
I don't want to fall out with the neighbours, and I have said I don't blame them but pointed out that this is still my mums property and in effect trespass for anyone to go into the garden and do anything not authorised by me. I said he must accept no more instructions from the man and to check with me first.
A Sold sign is in the garden so the neighbours (very nice but not the brightest to be honest!) didn't think to check with me.
As I told them, that just means sold subject to contract. No contract has been signed nor do we even have a date for this.
The front now looks mess with dead stuff in a big bag , a couple of black bin bags, and on the ground. I will be onto the estate agent on Monday to tell them to have strong word with the buyer. We could take action over this to be honest. Trespass and wilful damage!
We won't, unless the sale falls through then we may want some recompense to put the garden right.
Today I want to ring his stupid neck to be honest. He KNOWS that is not his property. No money has changed hands and nothing been signed.
Once we have the money and he owns the house he can do whatever he likes, but not yet!!!
I have no idea if he has the code to the keysafe but today I have changed it.