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Sport, sport and more sport!!

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    Sport, sport and more sport!!

    Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against sport as such. It's great for those who take part and I know many enjoy watching sports on TV, especially Wimbledon. It gives a lot of people a lot of pleasure.

    I just resent it invading my home! OH loves to watch many sports, and is a big tennis fan (Wimbledon, Eastbourne, French, whatever is on)
    So at the moment we have Wimbledon and the Euro football thing. That is many hours of TV. Then she will say she has to watch recorded tennis because she is so behind she will never catch up. She is behind because of playing another sport - golf!

    I will probably watch the match tonight, but I can't generally muster any enthusiasm for any televised sports.
    The exception being ice skating and women's gymnastics, as I see those as more of an art than sport.
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

    Gem, it is the same here, nothing on TV, just the sports! I get to read!


      I so agree Gem , I am lucky B only watches certain matches not all of them and he isn't a fan of any other sport ,
      So when he does watch a match I don't mind ,
      I do like to watch some of the Gymnastics and some of the Olympics but not much

      I do think its wrong them taking programmes off for hours of this stuff , why cant they keep it to say BBC2 for instance .

      There are lots of Tennis and Cricket and Football fans and I understand they love to watch but as I say dedicate one channel not a main channel .

      MIL loves her soaps so taking them off is hard for the likes of her who are on their own and its there only pleasure .

      I would hate to live in my sisters house Sport is on from morning till night ,
      they flick channels watch every thing plus highlights repeats etc , Football Tennis Snooker Darts , it doesn't matter what sport its on
      Im not fat just 6ft too small


        I did watch the end of a tennis match yesterday, that happened to be on, I may watch the game later on and that is about my sport viewing. DS2 is a keen cyclist and has always watched Tour de France etc, I could never get into it.

        My BIL is a keen sports fan , my sister always said "NO" to Sky sports, now he is on his own so I asked if he had Sky sports but he hasn't, not as yet anyway.

        I have Netflix when I want to watch something.


          I'm not a fan of watching sport.
          Hubby will watch the match tonight, because its England playing.
          I'll be online or reading my magazines.
          He's watched a bit of Wimbledon,and he does like to wath the darts when they are on.
          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


            I do enjoy Wimbledon but with it clashing with the football, it is all too much. My sister who is 92 watches all sport, although I don’t think she is a tennis fan. I shall watch some tennis today and possibly watch England play on Wed.
            What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


              I've got the attention span of a gnat for watching sport on tv. Like lots of people, I'm heartily sick of it dominating the terrestrial channels like this. We have Sky so lots of other channels to watch, but OH likes the sports and watches quite a lot.

              I'll be glad when things get back more to normal, even though I hardly ever watch tv. Tennis isn't too bad - at least it's quieter. I hate the way football and rugby commentators shout their heads off against the noise of the crowd.

              I really do feel for people who love their regular fix of soaps and are missing them so much. As if lockdowns haven't been bad enough, now they can't even watch their regular programmes.

              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

              (Marianne Williamson)


                I do agree Daisy although I do like sport and do not watch soaps. There will be less tennis on this week now, the second week there are less matches to cover, and the football will finish on Sat.
                What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare

