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GS1 & School

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    Gem - it is difficult for GS1 as well as his Mum and Dad. It makes your help very dependent on good weather, doesn't it, plus one of them has to take an hour out of their working day for the journey.

    Our GDs are currently doing their school work in the back room at the shop - they're not allowed into the shop itself, but DS does most of his work in the same room. This is a mixed blessing, as he's there to give support if they need it, but is also trying to do his own work as well. At least they have their other Grandad's undivided attention when they get home at lunch-time, and we've said we'll do garden visits when the weather's ok.

    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

    (Marianne Williamson)


      Gem, a friend of mine is doing lessons with her GC on FaceTime. Just an hour a day and they choose the lesson title. It’s quite random and she has to do a fair bit if research first, but they’ve learned so much - and so has she! Double benefit.


        Sum1 - what a great idea, and I'm sure your friend's parents find it a huge help, as well as being good bonding for her GCs.

        Oma - my GS2 who is in Year 10 as well, goes back for a couple of half days this week, and he has to wear uniform as well. He was very lucky that his Mum had got him new trousers during the Feb half-term as he'd had a growth spurt. Hopefully they still fit! The important thing though, is that your J and my D are both looking forward to seeing friends again - I agree schools shouldn't be obsessing about uniform at the moment. I just hope they all stay safe - staff and students.
        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

        (Marianne Williamson)


          That does sound a good idea Sum1.
          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

