It's that time of year when the garden is at its worst, but more often than not the weather stops you going out and doing a few little jobs to tidy up.
I'm hoping to make a start tomorrow if the ground's dried up a bit. It's been nice and sunny today, apart from a torrential shower about 3 pm which made everything soaking wet again.
I've got two trays of primroses to plant out - they've been in the greenhouse for about 3 weeks, and I'd much rather have them cheering up the front garden for passersby!
I also need to weed part of the patio and sweep up all the lumps of moss that get blown off the roof before Cooper comes here again - he keep bringing them into the house, bless him!
The apple trees need urgent pruning, too, but the lawn's too soft to put a ladder up or walk on it. Come on, weather - buck up a bit!
I'm hoping to make a start tomorrow if the ground's dried up a bit. It's been nice and sunny today, apart from a torrential shower about 3 pm which made everything soaking wet again.
I've got two trays of primroses to plant out - they've been in the greenhouse for about 3 weeks, and I'd much rather have them cheering up the front garden for passersby!
I also need to weed part of the patio and sweep up all the lumps of moss that get blown off the roof before Cooper comes here again - he keep bringing them into the house, bless him!
The apple trees need urgent pruning, too, but the lawn's too soft to put a ladder up or walk on it. Come on, weather - buck up a bit!