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Gadgets you have had and used for ever.


    Gadgets you have had and used for ever.

    I opened a tin this morning with my electric can opener that we were given as a wedding present 45 years ago. It doesn’t get much use these days as many cans have ring pull openers, but it’s still going strong. Likewise my electric slicing machine, another wedding gift, often used to slice home made bread for freezing. Prior to those, the Carmen heated rollers! They have to be 50 years old and are in and out of service, depending on the length of my hair. ( in at present).
    Do you still use gadgets you have had for ever?
    Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
    Eleanor Roosevelt.

    The only thing I still use from time to time is a little Army can opener it just looks like a flat bit of metal but its very strong and easy to use if as often happens my can opener goes walk about
    Had it about 40 years sits in my knife draw ,
    I don't have any old gadgets but we still use my Mothers enamel bowl she got as a wedding present in the 40's its cream with a green rim also have a white one with flowers on belonging to her
    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      I'm sure we have. I will think about it!
      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


        Enamel bowls are back in vogue Oma.
        What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


          Had a set of three Pyre dishes for a wedding present back in 1973 and I still have the dishes but sadly I dropped the lid of the biggest dish so I use foil to act as a lid now.

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          Bring me sunshine in your smile.


            Mimi I have one of those.

            I have a meat carving platter we were given as a wedding present that I still use.That’s 50 years in March.Also some tablespoons that were my Mums.


              Plant I knew I would come back into fashion if I stood still long enough
              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                We use an electric carving knife bought as a wedding present every week it will be 43 yrs old 19th March,a set of enamel blue rimmed pie dishes which where my nanna's & her old bread crock also same enamel (a bit dented and kept in the shed for hubbies bits & bobs now) I just could never get rid of them.
                A favourite butter knife which I bought in a charity shop 25 yrs ago now I use it for spreading everyday its so cute.
                Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


                  No gadgets but I have a Windsor chair which is about 120 years old and was my grandads special chair, pleased to say that after years of it not fitting into my sitting room grandad is taking pride of place. I also have a tall two tier aspidistra table which is now also in the sitting room with a lamp on it. I have a great Aunts “What-not” which to be honest could do with some renovation and my theatrical hamper which I have had for over forty years and was quite old when I inherited it (from a drag artist in Amsterdam circa 1970ish). I think it is probably over a hundred years old.

                  there is also my butter dish which was my Grans, it doesn’t come out often, usually when we are having a family buffet which is about three or four times a year but I am always very happy to see it. It is porcelain set in a wicker basket and really quite nice. I often see similar things advertised but I think mine is special. I did have a couple of wedgewood meat dishes, the sort that you would put the meat in the middle and the veggies around it but I think they are in the garage and likely to have suffered from the various weather we have have in the 17 years we have been here.

                  we are not big on gadgets. We have a really good mixer, liquidiser do everything gadget we bought a few years ago, we no longer have a slow cooker, I used one for years when we were both working and the kids were at school or in apprenticeships. I also have a vacuum sealer which I got some time ago after Oma mentioned one on the other site, and a chopper upper or whizzer as we sometimes call it. It is a small liquidiser sort of thing and perfect for us, easy to store and use.
                  If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


                    I was trying to think what we've got in the kitchen which is really old and remembered a knife sharpener - a sort of small metal box with two sets of wheels and you draw the blade between them. It's quite effective and I stil use it. I've got a Prestige hand mixer which I doh't use very often, but it's often easier than getting out the electric beater thingy on a stand.

                    Then reading all your other posts I realise that everything we've still got from our weddings presents are 50 years old!!! Most of my everyday china is stuff I collected when I worked at Wedgwoods - before we were married, and it's still going strong. I also have a few bits and pieces which were my mother's and grandmother's.

                    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                    (Marianne Williamson)


                      Our carving set was my Fathers. He took great pride in carving the Sunday joint. We also have a beautiful rectangular meat dish which was my Grandmothers.
                      Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
                      Eleanor Roosevelt.


                        I have just remembered my Kenwood mixer! When we cleared my Uncle’s house a couple of years ago I took this and it’s attachments. The original receipt was with it dated in the 60s. It’s noisy but it is still in regular use.
                        Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
                        Eleanor Roosevelt.


                          No gadgets but I have a set of red coloured glass glasses. Gold rimmed & cut crystal. Mum got them in Austria in about 1972.
                          "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

                          (Doe Zantamata.)


                            How beautiful Nana. I’m a sucker for tinted glass.
                            Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
                            Eleanor Roosevelt.


                              We’ e Got Oh’s Gran’s very pretty tea service thought there are less and less people who like to use it. Quite a lot of other things including his Grandad’s desk from his consulting room. I have two meat dishes and two large vegetable dishes but they haven’t been used recently. We’ve had our ironing board since we married in 1972. We bought it in hawkhurst, Kent and had to carry it back across the village green. We had to get it repaired and the man seemed a bit surprised when we asked him to solder it. Working fine again now. We have great grannies silver cutlery in the loft. Must ask DS if he is interested now that he has a steady partner who enjoys dinner parties etc. It has the initial V on so not much good for others.

