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The January garden


    The January garden

    We were outside this morning. OH had taken down the Christmas lights, and wanted to hang some bird feeders in the front garden tree. A job she had wanted to do for some time. We don't hang anything in the back garden tree, as cats can climb up there.
    I then moved the pots back to the front. I plant them out with flowering things throughout the year, but we move them in winter. I planted spring bulbs in them all, the shoots of which are coming through.
    As I looked about the front and back garden, I noticed shoots of various heights in both gardens. The January garden is a dismal place, but there is life!

    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

    All I have is a pot of Rosemary Gem and my plastic grass that needs a hovering , haven't any flowering pots yet ,
    My surviving apple trees are wintering behind my shed as its sheltered there .
    We have a few bits out for the squirrels, love to see them feeding but they make such a mess , drive the dog mad
    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      I have a pot on the front step with cyclamen,which still looks lovely and lots of little,green shoots in various other tubs. I’ve forgotten what most of them are so it will be a nice surprise.
      "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


        We have snowdrops and crocus poking their heads through, my flat leaf and normal parsley have miraculously survived the winter, there is a big pot of hyacinths just coming up on the table and winter flowering pansies and wall flowers in tubs. This, I hasten to add, has nothing what so ever to do with my fair hands but with husbands. He is a trained horticulturalist and loves his gardening. Lack of a garden was the reason for walking away from many properties when we had to move out of the big house all those years ago. He was given £100 garden centre vouchers at Christmas from one of the boys which he is quite excited about spending.

        we have a little wooden window in the fence, a poppy bird seed holder thing and a marble one with two little birds on it (I don’t like it) but we don’t put anything on there as it is too low and the other things get to it, we think rats as we are right next to two man made rivers. We also have a very heavy stone bench which we got from a reclamation yard about thirty years ago.
        Last edited by ZIZI; 05-01-2018, 04:18 PM.
        If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


          We have pots with bulbs coming through. The daffodils are poking through alongside the drive.
          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


            Garden what garden, I was awaiting a gardener to sort my one large border out for me, things need thinning out and one shrub needs coming out it has outgrown it's space. Haven't heard from him so I will look for someone in the Spring. I do however have pots showing tips of bulbs and I am looking for to seeing my efforts materialise on two small borders which I cleared out and planted with bulbs.
            What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


              Not the garden, but the paddock owned by friends where we exercise Eva - There has been a large clump of primroses on one bank which has been flowering for weeks, and today I noticed another smaller clump coming into flower in the shade of a small group of trees. On Wednesday I noticed catkins on some of the trees and today some of those catkins were properly open. Then when we were clearing away some small branches etc that had come down in the winds, we saw a large clump of daffodils growing very well. (We try to help out a bit if we can - our friends are in their 80s and work very hard to maintain this area.) Things are definitely stirring.

              Gem - love that photo!
              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

              (Marianne Williamson)

