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Daisy's Kettle Saga


    Daisy's Kettle Saga

    Episode 1: A couple of years ago our kettle broke - as they do. I was quite happy to wait until we had time to look round and buy a decent one we liked, but OH said "oh no - we can't manage without a kettle, we must get one immediately - today". The today in question was bitterly cold and we had to go to a shopping outlet to meet DS1 for something, so OH insisted we could get a kettle there. Well, there were no electrical shops at all, so we walked round and round, freezing to death, until we saw a smallish Tesco with a very limited range on the shelves, ie just the one! So we 'chose' that, and it didn't cost much. OH was delighted!

    We got it home and put it on and after about half a minute I thought our house had turned into a launchpad for new Apollo missions. The whole house shook with the noise this bargain kettle made. <sigh>

    Anyway it boiled water so we put up with it. Very quickly it developed bad habits - especially when pouring hot water - it would come out in a rush all over the place. We continued to put up with it until about a month ago when the lid started to lift as it boiled and if you weren't there to smack it down (quickly to avoid getting scalded) it would boil dry, filling the kitchen with steam.

    Episode 2: We were on a mission to get a new kettle - today, it has to be today! (Does this sound familiar?) But, being older and wiser (?) we would choose more carefully. We live in a hard water area and it's a family joke that I can't leave the house without polishing the kettle because I hate to see a nice shiny kettle splattered with watermarks, so we decided we'd get a non-shiny one, and a better quality than last time. Fortunately Sainsbury's had an own-brand model that was just perfect. There was the double Nectar points then, as well. Win, win! Except they didn't have one in stock, but more would be in the next day - hopefully. So in hope, OH went back the next day. No kettle! So he chose the other non metallic one which had the extra advantage of a Brita filter system built in to it.

    You can't imagine how excited we were! Just like a couple of kids at Christmas.

    Then reality hit us. You have to fill the filter reservoir up, wait for it to drain, and repeat before you can boil water. And it boils a maximum of 1 litre - not quite enough for 3 mugs of tea. Then you have to put more water in and let it drain before you can boil more water. On the lid there's a handy little indicator to show how much life there's left in the filter. Ah, so you have to replace the filter we realised. A new filter - about £17, and they suggest it lasts one month. Seventeen pounds a month to run a kettle!! And to add insult to injury the little indicator thingy runs on batteries.

    But, convinced the water and the tea taste better (well, almost convinced) we plodded on and have got into the habit of filling it after use, ready for the next time.

    Yesterday though I thought the tea tasted funny - a bit like drinking the swimming baths. I didn't say anything. Later on OH said "Oh I forgot to tell you, I've found a quick way of filling the kettle - fill it through the spout", thus neatly bypassing the bruddy filter!!! And it still only boils a litre!

    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

    (Marianne Williamson)

    Good Lord!!!!!!!!!

    You need to take VERY DEEP BREATHS!
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


      Daisy we had one like that it was a pain but like you we filled it as soon as we used it ,
      We did find the filter actually lasts about 3 month not 1 and online you can buy universal ones much cheaper ,
      We got a bit fed up with ours and ended up buying a new one , it was ok for just us but a pain if had guests and had more than say 3 cups to make ,
      Im not fat just 6ft too small


        😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 Sorry Daisy, your tale of woe has tickled my funny bone......
        Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
        Eleanor Roosevelt.


          We had a Britain’s filter kettle. Even less use to us as there is a water filter tap in the kitchen from the previous owners. It says to change it every three months but we generally wait until we start tasting the chemicals about every six to nine months. The water in Kent was bad and it’s even worse here. Funnily enough the water in London was much better.


            Sorry Daisy but that made me chuckle 😆
            Bring me sunshine in your smile.


              Good heavens Daisy what a saga.
              Remind me never to get a kettle with a Brita filter.
              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                Oh my goodness ,what a saga. I bought a cheapie,about £17 as I recall from Asda on line. Recommended by Which. It’s a tasteful grey and very efficient.


                  We bought a Smeg kettle when the kitchen was finished to reward ourselves for all the nonsense we had put up with. It is lovely but was expensive. Before that we had a Swan kettle which I swear you could hear down the end of the flipping garden!

                  In our old house we had a halogen hob and husband insisted that we had a whistling kettle to make good use of it (no I don’t understand that either). I hated that bruddy thing. At least with electric kettles they turn themselves off and do not go through your head like a saw if you don’t get there quick enough. He packed it to bring it with us (17 years ago) and whoops! Well I don’t know where that went I am sure.
                  If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


                    Zizi - you naughty kettle kidnapper!

                    Both DS's have got 'posh' kettles - one keeps the water near boiling, and the other is just posh, but I don't know if I'd spend that sort of money - they still get scaled up unless you keep up with the descaling treatments. Polishing a kettle is one thing, descaling it is a step too far for a mucky trollop!!!
                    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                    (Marianne Williamson)


                      I have had our kettle for 18 years, yes it was expensive, Oh believed you get what you pay for. Our water is very hard, we have water softeners, I can't remember when I last desalted the kettle.
                      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                        Plant, I think your OH was very wise - you do get what you pay for, but our kettles scale up so quickly - especially that little mesh filter thingy in the spout, then they go brittle and break.
                        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                        (Marianne Williamson)

