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A Dilemma


    GM what a dilemma we once painted our lounge walls as we thought willow grey thought it looked a delicate colour turned out to be battleship grey bil did his the same week it was awful both of us couldn’t wait to get it off and it’s been magnolia ever since.
    We have blinds and curtains which are token curtains they don’t actually close just a feature they are black and white with rope tie backs, the blinds are black, the carpet is black also, sounds horrendous I know but we have 2 grey leather settees and it’s looks really nice a bit minimalistic for some but we like it. We have one wall in black and silver damask paper too, have you thought about a wall in paper G M


      I once came home from work when we had been in the flat for about three months (been here 17 years now) and he had painted the sitting room, including the ceiling, a bright grass green without even mentioning it to me. By the time I came home the following day he had painted it over in plain white. I won’t tell you what exactly I said to him re the green but I think you can all imagine. He has never painted or wallpapered without consultation since......
      If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


        I can imagine what I would have said under those circumstances Zizi!!
        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


          His excuse was that he is colour blind which he is but just not THAT colour blind!
          If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


            We had magnolia for years qwerty. It always blended well with everything. ANYWAY... Marvellous Mark has been, decorated and gone. The difference is incredible! Even OH agrees it was the right thing to do. I am so pleased with the result. I have the curtain books here now and there is a choice of two, so we are looking at them in all lights.
            Zizi that has made me smile...I cannot imagine a grass green room, let alone with a green ceiling too! 😳😂
            Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
            Eleanor Roosevelt.


              GM - I hardly dared read your post, so I'm so pleased for you that you've done the right thing and you are happy with the new colour. Take your time in choosing the curtains.

              Qwerty - I'd love your minimalist look, although the wallpaper might be a step too far in the other direction for me! LOL

              Plant - you put a lot of thought into your redecoration, and it sounds lovely.

              Nana - is it the colour of the relaxer chair that's bothering you? Would it be possible to have it re-covered?

              Mimi - when we moved into this house (over 20 years ago) our bedroom had wallpaper that just soaked up the light. It was truly horrible, especially in a north-facing room. But with lots of other things to do it took us a couple of years to get round to decorating it - and we did it quite a bright yellow, with curtains and bedding in a floral pale yellow/blue/soft green pattern. We've redid it again 3 years ago when we did the ensuite, and now the walls are pale grey, with a grey duvet cover, white pillows and black-grey/orange patterned curtains. It sounds weird, but I'm really pleased with it and it works well with the grey marbled tiles in the ensuite.

              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

              (Marianne Williamson)


                Ooooh sounds classy Daisy. I like to think I'm good with colour but I am not! Sarah the cleaner helped choose the curtain fabric, she is an artist and has a good eye. She is a handy person to know. 😉
                Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
                Eleanor Roosevelt.


                  We had black and silver wallpaper in the sitting room until husband stripped it in preparation for the redecoration. It was very thick and it took ages and lots of swear words to get it off.
                  If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


                    GM - I noticed today that the colour of the curtains is very similar to the brand leader Mansize tissue boxes - except that they are two tones of yellow instead of two tones of orange!

                    If we were the sort of people to make the bed neatly every morning I'd have had some kind of cushions and throw on it to bring a bit more of the orangey-tones into the room, but knowing us they would just end up dumped in a corner.

                    Zizi - black and silver sounds incredibly glamorous. It's amazing how swear words can help with a difficult task, isn't it!!
                    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                    (Marianne Williamson)

