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    The thread on fireplaces has got me thinking about clocks, and wondering what tick-tocks away in your home - or sits silently in its place.

    We have a little silver framed clock in the living room which is battery driven, but in the dining room we've got a dark wood bracket clock with a Westminster chime. My OH rescued it from a skip many years ago and every so often he would wind it up, so for 8 days we could hear the chimes and also the tick-tock if we were in the room. Then a few month ago he decided it ought to be cleaned and the mechanism checked over. A friend recommended a specialist clock restorer. We got it back a month or so ago, in full working order, and a warning not to leave it so long next time. He said we must keep it going! He also said we were very lucky, because one more winding up would have snapped the spring and done too much damage to have it repaired. But the nice thing was, he said it was a really good clock and we were lucky to have it!!

    In the bedrooms we've got mains bedside clocks - fine until there's a power cut. We've just replaced the one in the spare bedroom because it drove me mad trying to set it accurately. We've got a wall clock in the kitchen - battery - but mainly I use the digital display on my radio which is connected to the computer so it's always accurate.
    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

    (Marianne Williamson)

    Did you know you are not supposed to put a clock immediately above a fire, apparently it dries out the oil in the workings you will see on my pic of fireplace it’s to one side

    We have the wooden clock with a key holder behind the face in the lounge both my children put together and bought it for an anniversary , a large Roman numeral clock the sort you might put in a conservatory it’s bronze metal in tv room, a similar one in the big conservatory, upstairs an alarm/ radio in 2 bedrooms and a shower radio with clock on in bathroom and a small silver carriage clock in another bedroom that Dd bought for our silver wedding . We have a porcelain carriage clock with an ivy pattern on it was a birthday present liked it at the time but doesn’t fit anywhere now so in a cupboard but won’t part with it


      We have a small clock on our windowsill in the living room was on our mantle but I change around a lot ,
      A very large clock on the wall in our Kitchen/ Diner
      Electric clocks on either side of our bed and one in spare room ,
      Like Daisy drives me mad if we have a power cut , one has a battery back up but other two don't so I have to take my phone up and reset them by that every time it happens.
      Im not fat just 6ft too small


        We have a clock on the mantle piece but ,Qwerty, it is above the fireplace but as it’s an electric fire which hardly ever gets lit I think it’s fine.
        We have a clock in the bedroom, one in the spare room , one on the wall in the kitchen and one on the shed wall outside. Theses are all battery run. I have a clock on the cooker and microwave and when we have a power cut I have to get out the instruction books that came with them to see how to reset the clock as I always forget how to do it !
        Bring me sunshine in your smile.


          Our living room clock in in the middle of the mantlepiece too. We rarely use the gas fire,so no worries about it drying out.
          We have clocks in every room, including the bathroom and conservatory, and a grandmother clock in the hallway. Our bedroom clock is a clock radio. Only the downstairs loo is clockless!

          This clock, in the dining room, is my favourite. I have had it for years, I brought it from my previous house. The paw is the second hand, and the cat constantly washes its face! All the GC have loved it.
          Here is a photo
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          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown



            Love your clock Gemini
            Bring me sunshine in your smile.


              On the mantelpiece we have a clock that was bought for our 40th anniversary 9 years ago.
              Not my choice of clock,but it was a present,so hey ho.
              In the kitchen we have a large red clock,it has temperature and humidity on, as well as clock.
              I always say we don't get a true reading,as it is above a radiator.
              In our bedroom we have an electric clock with battery back up. On hubby's side we have a battery clock.
              Rosie's bedroom has a pink wall clock.
              In the conservatory we have a round battery wall clock.

              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                We have quite a few old clocks. Two grandfather clocks one was made in 1750 ( I bet it could tell a tale or two), it is a family piece. The other one was recently left to us and was made from an old coffin (you wouldn’t know to look at it) ! We have a Victorian marble clock and two other wooden Victorian clocks - all tickers. We have a modern battery clock in the kitchen and two electric digital clocks either side of our bed. Sunday is wind-up day and the grandchildren like to watch Papa do the clocks. We live in a Victorian house so they are in keeping with the property.
                Grandmothers are just antique little girls - author unknown


                  Avo, the grandfather clock sound interesting.
                  Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                    We actually do not have any proper clocks. We have one on both of the ovens other than that we use the phones and the iPads for alarms etc. I did have a pre WW2 wooden chiming clock which belonged to my grandparents but it got broken during a burglary we had here about 11 years ago and it was beyond repair.
                    If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


                      I have a mantle clock, present from DD and SIL on the mantle piece, kitchen wooden wall radio controlled clock and one on cooker and one on microwave. Another electric radio controlled one in the bedroom. that is apart from one on the phone, iPad and iPhone.
                      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                        I think it's fascinating that we all have such a lot of clocks. I'm sure when I was a child we just had one on the mantlepiece or the sideboard and that was it. I can't even remember my parents having a bedside clock.

                        Avo - your clocks sound very interesting and individual. My OH winds our one ticking clock up on Sundays too. He forgot this Sunday and last night he delayed going out until it was the right time on that clock to restart it!

                        Am I the only one who finds it difficult to tell the time on a clock with roman numerals - even though I know the system backwards! I prefer nice clear proper numbers and no second hand. A digital display is even better!
                        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                        (Marianne Williamson)


                          Daisy try teaching the time to a 7 yr old in numerals you would think it difficult , eldest took to it like a duck to water sure she was born in the Roman Empire


                            Qwerty - some children are born clever, and have good teachers!!!! Well done to your GD1. That's not easy for a VII year old!
                            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                            (Marianne Williamson)

